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5 Life Learnings from a College Internship Program

I’ve been a firm believer that youngsters now a days have to start early; this in terms of career, investment or learning how to be responsible. I’ve always been amazed with working students, and students that have employed the sense of discipline in a young age. This was one of my greatest disappointed with myself; as I’ve never had the courage to move my feet, and find an opportunity to learn. College was fun and exciting and it was on me that I enjoyed being fed with information from school and I’ve always thought the the term “learning from experience” will come faster after my studies – It did not.

Yes; there might be other options to spend your college life rather than being a drone and a worker early in your life. But, we believe there are advantages on being on college internship being offered by big companies:

  1. This is a once in a lifetime Opportunity.

Opportunity does not always knocks on your door. Any opportunity  like a chance to be able to go int0 a two-year internship is a good opportunity to learn; be sure to at least try and grab it.

  1. This might be Fun.

Fun is a big word. College was a part of life that I superbly enjoyed, it was the first time that I could tell my parents that I have projects to finish just to be able to go out and party with my friends. But an internship can be fun as well. You will get to expand your network, learn new things, and even tell your professor that his/her marketing strategy etc. is already obsolete. This might sound fun for nerds, but trust me, learning the ropes early is a fun and enjoyable. Just don’t be a know-it-all after your internship.

  1. It is an Advantage.

College is where students try to outplay each other. No students should start on outplaying each other just on the thesis day or after graduation rights. Second year in college might just be too early, but what the heck; after which you could list it down on your resume or CV. Then get ready to take a couple or more calls from big companies right before you get your graduation photo taken.

  1. Gives Maturity.

Sometimes we tend to forget that once we are off to college, we should carry a more mature, responsible and disciplined outlook in life. In the states, college education is a huge privilege and most Americans steps out of their parents’ house and tries to live alone. Any internship should give us this outlook; if not, at least to give guidance towards having this kind of mindset.

  1. The Experience

I have never been given this opportunity. A two-year internship; looking back was something I would take (maybe) when I was in college. It is something to be proud of, future employers would be asking about this line on your CV and it gives you an extra edge on landing a good to a great job. The things you will be learning will never be thought by your college professors, the stuff you will be doing will never be done by your batchmates, and the experience will be something to share for the rest of your  life.

Taking an internship is a different kind of adventure. Yes! You would want to be running around with your friends; taking road trips; drinking until you die; and meeting chicks around the campus; but again it would never hurt to start early.


Check out www.inkompass.global  internship program; you might be what they are looking for. **INKOMPASS is an internship program being provided by Philip Morris that will get you 26,000Php of personalized internship program; this is while at your Sophomore year in college.




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