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A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 13 Nothing Left Walkthrough & Guide

In A Plague Tale Requiem, players get to play and encounter a couple of challenges in Chapter 13 “Nothing Left”. Get to know how to get through this chapter, secrets, collectibles, and more using this walkthrough and guide.

Read more about the story chapters and walkthroughs using this list.

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 13 Walkthrough


  1. Follow Lucas. Watch a cutscene once you reach a low shelf.
  2. Continue following Lucas. You’ll also notice a workbench that you can use before you enter the remains of the library.
  3. Go near the metal grate to your right, the one with yellow light. Use your sling and aim at the lock. After breaking the lock, enter the door and proceed down the corridor. Pull the shelf and head out.
  4. Enter the path you just opened using the center doorway. Turn left. Just to your immediate right is a movable shelf. Move it to unlock a collectible. Exit the room and go to the end of the hall.
  5. Use the hooked rope and aim at the cart on the second floor. Pull it down and interact with it to advance.
  6. Get the torch to your left. Walk down the path and try to keep away from the sacs containing the rats. Push forward.
  7. By the end of the path, start running. Be mindful of a ledge and keep straight in the middle path.

Into The City

  1. Wait for Hugo to do his thing. Go down and start hiding in the tall grass. This is another stealth segment. Continue moving and try to hug the right side of the map.
  2. Once you reach a climable ledge, go up to it and release the cart from its tethers using your sling. Use the cart to go up and enter the town using the metal door.
  3. Observe the belfry crashing down. That is your next objective. Advance and use a combination of stealth and aggression. There are rats in the area that you can use to dispatch pursuers or patrolling enemies. Once you spot the belfry, enter it and use timing and the tall grass to get across.
  4. Go down to the ruins. To your left is a window that you can access for a workbench. Climb up to the wall to the left of the workbench. Turn left and once you reach the opening, use the cart to your right reach the upper floor of the building to your right.
  5. Follow the path and drop down to the harbor area.

Rescuing Arnaud

  1. Use Ignifer and light up the greek fire pots behind the four guards to open the battle.
  2. Aim at the heads of the lightly armored enemies and take them out using your sling.
  3. For armored foes, use your sling to remove their armor then use your crossbow to take them out.
  4. When battling armored foes with shields use tar to light up their weapons and blind them. Next, follow step 3 to eliminate them.
  5. After a couple of waves, the flow of enemies will stop. Use this time to pickup resources before you go and free Arnaud.

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 13 Tips

Keep Away From The Sacs

Pop the rat sacs

The orange sacs that you encountered in the previous chapter are back. They can now pop and kill you with an instant swarm of rats if you are not careful. Keep away from them when you see them. Also, these things appear during the stealth section of this chapter. You can use them to spawn rats that can attack unaware patrols.

Beware Of Armored Guards

Use tar to defeat heavy armor

Armored Guards are a nuisance as they cannot be taken down with even one crossbow bolt. To take care of them, use tar on their weapons to blind them. Next, use your sling to remove their armor. Lastly, you can either torch them using greek fire or use your crossbow bolt for a quick finish.

Also note that they can one-hit you if you are not careful. Take advantage of your speed and run away from them before turning around to take them on.

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 13 Collectibles

*This part is a work in progress.

1 Souvenir

Chapter 14 souvenir

You can find a single souvenir in Chapter 13. This can be found in a hidden room during your escape from the castle library. To get this, before you turn left to use the hook rope, turn right and move the cart to reveal a hidden entrance. Go through this passage and interact with the desk to get the souvenir.

Read more about the story chapters and walkthroughs using this list.

For the previous Chapter walkthrough, read the guide for Chapter 12. For the next one, read the walkthrough for Chapter 14.

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