Been waiting for the next iteration of Angry Birds? Well, look no more as it is now available on the iOS and Android stores.
Angry Birds 2, as the name suggests, is the sequel to the first Angry Birds – even tough there are over 10 versions passed it. It features improved graphics, multi-stage levels and boss rounds. And of course, in-app purchases to finish the game quickly.
There’s a whole new group of birds and you can choose which one you want to use to pass by the stage.
It’s a cool improvement over the original game. It reminded me of how I felt the first time I played it, annoyed but still want to play the game.
One of the most needed feature was added, a fast-forward button that lets you skip through the animations so you can keep on flinging your birds.
It’s free on all operating systems available, but suggests you to buy in-app purchases.