After the unveiling of the Apple Watch last September 2014. Tim Cook again showed off the Apple Watch’s features in Apple’s 2015 ‘Spring Forward’ event. Tim Cook stated that the Apple Watch is the most personal devices the company has made. Here are its main features:
The most important information of the event. Tim Cook stated that the Apple Watch has a battery life that can last up to 18 hours which is considered as a whole day. We expected this more or less from Apple as battery is obviously not their strong point.
The Apple Watch has a nifty feature called “Glances” that allows you to check your notifications quickly by swiping up on the screen. You can check the weather, special reminders, music controls, measure your heart rate, read messages, receive calls and send email messages.
Tim Cook also showed off the device’s unique way of communicating with other people and it is called “Digital Touch”. With the device sitting on your wrist, it can add physical dimensions to alerts and notification. It lets you interact by sending a tap, a sketch and even a visual representation of your heart beat.
The Apple Watch gives you a complete picture of your all-day activity by just showing you three simple rings. These rings represent your daily progress. It can give you real-time stats for your gym workouts. It also uses that information to improve the accuracy of your measurements and suggest activity goals at the end each week.
In the event, Tim Cook showed off some new apps that have been released since Apple gave the SDK to developers. This includes native apps for WeChat where you can receive messages and send stickers, Instagram that shows you your latest feed, and Uber where you can book your own ride without using your iPhone.
Apple also released the Apple Watch app which is available for download on your devices. The app contains the App Store for the Apple Watch, tutorial videos on how to use the devices, choose your featured contacts and set-up on what notifications you want to see.
The Apple Watch is available for preview and pre-order this April 10. Apple said that they will start selling it in their stores starting April 24 on selected countries wherein Philippines is not included.
For the price, Apple Watch Sport starts at $349 to $399 depending on the size. The standard Apple Watch starts at $549 to $599 (standard strap only). But the most surprising is the price of the Apple Watch Edition that is crafted from 18-karat gold, it costs $10,000. This makes the Apple Watch the most expensive Apple Device ever made.
Any comments about the Apple Watch? Will you buy it? Let us know in the comments section!