Qualcomm has revealed a long list of smartphones that will come with the latest Snapdragon 865 chipset in the What’s Next in 5G event. This list reveals the next generation smartphones from major brands, most notable of which are the ASUS ROG Phone III, ASUS ZenFone 7, and the Legion Gaming Phone.
Some of the smartphones that Qualcomm has listed has been announced or are already in the market. There are some, however, that are still in development. Here’s the list of smartphones that’s going to use the Snapdragon 865 and are expected to release this year:
Some of the smartphones on the list are expected to make their formal appearance sometime soon like the OPPO Find X2 and Vivo APEX 2020. Others like the ASUS ROG Phone III, ASUS ZenFone 7, and Legion Gaming Phone are still quite far from their expected unveiling date.