HomeTechnologyBeyond the numbers : What value you should look into postpaid plans

Beyond the numbers : What value you should look into postpaid plans


The postpaid arena is now definitely heating up with the recent happenings from Globe, Smart and Sun. With Globe’s announcement in being the No.1 in Mobile, they are ready to defend their tittle against Smart’s “Smart Life” and Sun Cellular’s “Choose Better” campaigns.


Sun Cellular’s Choose Better commercials lately has been heavily promoted to attack Globe. Using technical marketing, Sun is promoting their better in numbers like better data allocation, more texts and including a free tablet.

Screenshot from Sun Cellular’s Commercial

But it seems Sun Cellular radically changed their strategy as they stopped promoting their “Choose Better” tagline and changed it to “It’s Your Choice” or “Sun ka pa”. Perhaps they noticed that Sun Celluar being a value segment company is also attacking Smart at the same time by Choosing better. Just remember that Sun Cellular right now is limited to up to Plan 600, so you can’t have a bigger postpaid plan unlike with Smart or Globe if you need a bigger value plan.


Smart’s new all-in plan is the new revamped postpaid plans by offering bigger data allocation to main competitor Globe.


By having a consumable amount, you can select from call, texts and mobile bundles. Data is up to 4.5GB with free 1.1GB allocation for their own entertainment apps like iFlix, Fox and Spinnr.

Smart Flexi APp.

Interestingly they have a new offering right now, for 99 pesos you can select apps you can consume up to 500MB of data, Youtube up to 600mb and subscription to Spinnr and iFlix. Though upon checking on this offer, data use for Spinnr and iFlix will still be based on your current Big-Bytes surfing promo allocation.


Globe on the other hand has been pretty stable since the start of the year with their myLifestyle Plan. Offering a base plan of Unlimited Calls and Texts for 499, you simply add up the GoSurf data allocation you want, lifestyle app bundles and other consumable amount like other network calls and texts. Plus they provide free entertainment app access to Spotify or HOOQ by simply subscribing to a data plan.

Globe MyLifestyle

Battle of Digital Lifestyle

Philippines is definitely catching up with the digital lifestyle of other well established countries. But aside from numbers, we mentioned that you should focus more on what you will actually use. While Globe and Smart mainly provides entertainment contents like iFlix, HOOQ, Spinnr, Spotify, NBA, Fox Sports and more, you should definitely consider if you will actually use them.


Aside from starting the free Facebook and Viber revolution, Globe has the upperhand by offering Spotify since last year. This propelled Globe’s postpaid offerings to become more flexible and now evolving to a 360 degree entertainment plan with the arrival of NBA, HOOQ and surprisingly the latest one is Disney!

As seen in their latest ambassador Kim Cam Jones, Globe focuses more on how their subscribers will be able to use their plans and added value services like Spotify. You have to admit that Spotify alone is more than enough of a reason to avail it free via Globe’s plans.

Smart’s revamp of content

Smart struggled last year by immediately launching their home grown music app with Spinnr and international music app Deezer. Unfortunately the two app fought off with each other instead of originally fighting Globe’s Spotify.

Smart Life

Then June this year they have launched the Smart Life with iFlix, Fox Sports for entertainment content. While iFlix is becoming more appealing recently, watching 1 movie in iFlix takes around more than 1GB of data already which means that you won’t be able to finish a movie with their free allocated data.

Sun Cellular on the other hand rides along with Smart as being owned by smart. They provide free allocation of Facebook, Spinnr, Video streaming on top of their postpaid plans to provide free value services.

Maximizing Freebies 

You have to admit it, we Filipinos love free stuff right? So in this case if you really want to have a plan to maximize your value for money then the obvious winner here is Globe. Right now Smart and Sun are on the move to get back on the track, but their entertainment packages aren’t compelling as Globe’s flexible content.


So before you get a postpaid plan, we suggest to ask these three questions for yourself

  1. Why do I need a postpaid plan? More of Data or Calls?
  2. Who will I call more? Is it people from Smart? Sun? or Globe?
  3. Are my data offerings flexible enough? Can I change monthly and modify my apps?
  4. Will I use the freebies? Free Music, Movies, Sports, Facebook, Viber?

Getting a postpaid plan is like a relationship, a relationship that is minimum for 24 months to be exact. So you have to be careful in what telecom you will pick, don’t just avail something that’s temporary and based on number. Rethink what you need before getting a postpaid plan cause at the end of the day it’s your digital lifestyle that will be sacrificed if you don’t make the right move.




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Eason De Guzmanhttps://www.hungrygeeks.com.ph
Eason de Guzman is a technology enthusiast who loves the latest gadget and gizmos. Combined with more than 13 years of marketing experience, we deliver things differently.