HomeNewsBlizzard is Reducing Loot Box Duplicates in Overwatch

Blizzard is Reducing Loot Box Duplicates in Overwatch


If you’re currently playing Overwatch, you probably know by now that loot boxes are a load of crap.

In a new video from Daddy Jeff Kaplan, he flaunted his new D.VA jersey and talked about some interesting things. The most notable one is a long-requested change to how likely players are to get duplicate items in loot boxes. Check this out:

“One of the things we’re going to do is drastically reduce the rate of duplicates you get out of any loot box”, Jeff said. In other words, we can expect far fewer of those hideously annoying moments when you crack open a colorful new loot box, only to get yet another copy of that legendary Mei skin the game won’t stop handing you. It’s like your grandmother asking if you already ate after she’s given you a meal a couple of minutes ago.

Currently, when you get a duplicate, it turns into in-game money which you can use to purchase different skins. Kaplan says that, from now on, loot boxes will simply award more credits to make up the difference. “We’ll make sure that your credit intake will be at least the same, if not more.”

The loot box change is now live on Overwatch’s PTR on desktop if you fancy trying it out. It’s really nice to see that Blizzard and the Overwatch team is listening to its community. Keep it up, Jeff.




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