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Check Your Bill : Globe and Smart now charges your postpaid account in ADVANCE

I’ve been meddling with my postpaid account to re-align my expenses when I noticed something strange. We reported last year that Smart Communications Postpaid GigaX Plans now charges you in ADVANCE for the upcoming month, instead of the usual “postpaid” where you pay for what you consume in the next billing statement.

Now checking all of our postpaid bills both Mobile and Home Broadband Postpaid plans, it seems both Globe and Smart are now charging their customers FOR THE UPCOMING MONTH along with the consumed add-ons of the previous month. So much for calling their plans “Postpaid”, perhaps its the reason why Globe and Smart renamed their plans to “ThePLAN” and “GigaX”.

To have a better understanding, check out these billings for the month of FEBRUARY.

1. Globe At Home Internet (Billing Period – Feb 10 – Feb 12, 2019)

Just three days after our Globe at Home Internet was installed, we’re immediately billed from the duration of 02/10/19 to 02/12/19 which is Feb 10 is the installation date. Surprisingly as you can see in our bill, we’re billed for the MONTHLY RECURRING FEE (MRF) for the duration of 02/10/19 to 02/12/19 and 02/13/19 to 03/12/19.

Not even one month of enjoying our home internet from Globe, I’m immediately billed for the upcoming consumption of the month. Which is quite unfair as I even encountered downtime for 2 days due to a technical problem, so how will they give me rebates if I already paid in advance?

As you can see, from 2/13/19 to 03/12/19, I’m being billed 2231.25 + VAT (2499) in advance. What’s more frustrating is that I need to pay by March 5th or else the internet connection will be disconnected, so much for a “Postpaid” billing experience.

2. Smart Postpaid GigaX (Billing period Jan 13 – Feb 12, 2019)

Here is a Smart GigaX Plan for the coverage of January 13 – February 12, 2019), aside from the much annoying open data access of Php5 per 15 mins of Smart when you consumed your open data package, you can see in the last portion of the bill the GigaX Plan for the duration of 02/13/2019 to 03/12/2019 which is again, billing you in advance for the next month.

Zooming in closer to the plan, it’s clear that Smart GigaX Charges you for the upcoming month. Which is again, ironic cause this is supposed to be a postpaid plan…

3. PLDT Fibr  (Billing period Jan 3 – Feb 2, 2019)

For our PLDT Fibr line, it’s billed for the duration of Jan 3 to Feb 2, 2019 but as you can see in the current charges. We’re already being billed for the duration of February 3 to March 2, 2019, another advance billing for the incoming month for the internet service. Same as the others, you need to pay it before the plan is full consumed or face disconnection.

We find this really alarming as this method of billing has been on-going for some time now but the practice of personnel for these companies doesn’t have the training to inform their customers about this change.

Last – Globe ThePLAN Plus Postpaid  (Billing Period – Jan 10 to Feb 09, 2019)

Our of all the bills we’ve encountered, it’s only Globe Postpaid ThePLAN that charges us honestly. Like in this bill indicated for 01/10/19 to 02/09/19 we are billed for 891.96 + VAT for the ThePLAN PLUS 999 for the period of 02/10/19-03/09/19 which includes all consumed and packs of the previous month.

A close inspection you can see from the period of the upcoming billing, we’re being charged for the consumption of the previous month. Kudos to Globe for sticking in the mobile postpaid with this one.

Conclusion: What’s the advantage of paying in advance?

A question that bugs our mind until now, with prepaid customers enjoying more data pricing as compared to postpaid users, what’s the use of a “POSTPAID” account if you’re being billed in advance? Right now, I honestly don’t know unless you’re using Globe ThePLAN postpaid plans.

With the exception of Globe ThePLAN Postpaid Plans, it seems the industry of mobile internet is now a “Pay first” policy. So if you are a current Globe at Home, Smart GigaX and PLDT Fibr plan, make sure you check your bill as you might have some rebates that you should demand.

Additionally, for those who are considering a postpaid plan. For mobile internet, we strongly suggest getting a Globe Postpaid since the billing is honest and doesn’t have any bill shock unlike Smart GigaX with their open data access of Php5 / 15 mins continuous once the volume subscription is fully consumed.


Update: We checked the billing of our friends who are using the service of Converge ICT, it seems the internet service provider is billing you for the CURRENT month you are using and not a month in advance or the month prior.




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