Are you tired of checking out auto insurance providers website per website? In most cases, even bundled auto-insurance providers from your brand new car are bad! (Our personal experience with commonwealth insurance).
Fortunately, GoBear the website that lets you compare credit cards, loans and now auto-insurance now gives you a better understanding of how to avail better insurance for your car.
We took this for a try with our Toyota Innova 2012 G M/T which averages at 650k today, the insurance amount proposed ranges from Php616,000 to Php504,000. From this, GoBear can search for insurance proposals from their providers under their radar.
Immediately you can see a summary of different insurance providers from GoBear, pretty much there are reputable brands to small players and GoBear assured that they will keep the list growing.
You can customize your search further by adding more privileges such as Act of Nature, passenger insurance, property damage, theft, an increase of coverage and more. We are even glad that clauses are straight forward for a better insurance understanding.
Additionally, you can easily compare insurances side by side for a better option to choose.
Now, this is better than most insurance players who just offers the range protection, plus GoBear can refer you directly to the seller without any broker or middleman so the price is the best one!
Kudos to GoBear in bringing financial information more accessible to the consumers and this is indeed a great app even just canvassing for a 2nd hand car so you’ll know how much to spend. Visit to try out their services, you can even download their app via Google Playstore or Apple App Store.