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Conquest 2022 will delight any Genshin Impact Fan with its Guest Filipino Voice Actors

If you’re a gamer at heart or have recently been into the gaming scene due to the wave of the pandemic then CONQuest 2022 is your must-visit event. With events and conventions now allowed once again, we’re going to see the 4th installement of CONQuest with its biggest bang yet on July 23-24 at SMX Convention Center Mall of Asia.

May be a cartoon of text that says 'CONQuest Festival July 23-24 SMX Convention Center Manila Poweredby ACADARENA'

Personally being a Genshin Impact fan, I was drawn to CONQuest’s surprising announcement of bringing home Filipino-blood voice voice talents to the game close to my heart.  First with particularly Christian Banas VA of Thoma, then Anne Yatco VA of Raiden Shogun / Ei, and Ratana VA of Yae Miko.

Three Characters still building but I adore.

These three voice talents particularly made waves into the Filipino Genshin Impact community due to their surprising uproar contribution of the hit game especially that they are all from Inazuma.

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May be a cartoon of 1 person and text that says 'CONQUEST SPECIAL GUEST ANNE YATCO (Raiden, Genshin ( mpact Nobara Kugisaki, FAN MEET Day 1-2 PANEL anne_yatco.cq anne Day KDIID #LETSGO July 23-24 SMX Manila FR HALLS1-3 venue_and_date.cq Power Powered ACADARENA'

May be an anime-style image of 1 person and text

Each voice talent will have separate fan meet and panel discussions on the second day, talking about their experience as the english voice talents for the smash hit game. Unfortunately Christian Banas is already sold out, but you can still have opportunity to buy tickets to the Fan Meet of the Tita’s of Inazuma Anne Yatco and Ratana which you can click on the link provided.

 Fan MeetPanel
Christian Banas


Day 1 & Day 2

Sold Out

Anne Yatco


Day 1 & 2

Still Available

11:30 am
Panel: Ask the Titas of Inazuma – Ratana and Anne Yatco


Day 1 & 2

Still Available

11:30 am
Panel: Ask the Titas of Inazuma – Ratana and Anne Yatco


On the other hand, if you’re into the streaming world you might be familiar to the early streamers of Genshin Impact and one who contributed to some of my knowledge about rising to the ranks in the game, Atsu and Nekkopii. He will also have a panel by Day 1 – 1:45PM and fan meet by 11am both days.

May be a cartoon of 2 people and text that says 'CONQUEST SPECIAL GUEST ATSU (Streamer, Content Creator) FAN MEET Day 1-2 PANEL atsu.cq Day DID #LETSGO July 23-24 SMX Manila FR -5, HALLS1-3 date.cq Poweredby Powere ዛ ACADARENA'

If you have tickets to the event, congratulations as the event is now officially sold out as per writing this article. But we will still give you coverage to the happenings straight from a Genshin Impact Fan.

Just in case, you can still check out the partners of CONQuest 2022 for chances to score tickets through their promotional activities and I guarantee that its worth checking out especially Coinbase Wallet.

Save this master map as well for the event as you will definitely get lost if this is your first event on such a scale of a convention. Conquest 2022 is indeed shaping up the authority in the local Philippine gaming, web culture and even the next frontier for the internet or what they call Web 3.0.

May be an image of text

May be a cartoon of text

Conquest 2022 is deinitely is not just for Genshin Impact Fans, within the massive 2 day event you’re surely find your passion point and explore your heart out with more instore. So do drop by the CONQuest 2022 and check out the whole program at Conquest 2022 Official Website. 


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