HomeGamingDOTA 2 TI 2022 Ticket Prices & Details Revealed

DOTA 2 TI 2022 Ticket Prices & Details Revealed


If you ever find yourself getting excited for the upcoming DOTA 2 TI 2022 in Singapore, best have a lot of cash on hand if you’re flying there. The International 2022 is undeniably DOTA 2’s highly anticipated event given that the pandemic has prevented most audiences to attend it in the previous years. With the host country being in relatively close proximity to the Philippines, it’s very likely that a lot of you reading this are looking forward to this momentous event. But how much would it actually cost you?

DOTA 2 TI 2022 Ticket Prices & Event Details

Events, Dates, & Ticket Prices

Event Dates Ticket Prices / Conversion (PHP)*
TI 2022 Playoffs 10/20 – 10/23 (Thursday – Sunday) SG$88 (~ PhP 3,550) / day
TI 2022 Finals 10/ 29 – 10/30 (Saturday, Sunday) SG$498 (~ PhP 20,085) for 2 days

*Based on August 5, 2022 exchange rates.

TI 2022 will be split into two separate sections with almost a week in between them. The Playoffs starts from October 20 to 23 with 16 teams vying for the Finals. After almost a week, the top four teams will again meet for the Finals which will be held for two days on October 29 and 30. Tickets for the Playoffs are for one day only and you have to buy a total of four if you plan on attending all of the days. For the Finals, the tickets are good for the full two days of the event. Tickets will be on sale starting on the 13th of August, 10am SGT, same time here in the Philippines.

Limited Tickets Per Customer

Valve has also announced that there will be a limit to the number of tickets a person can purchase. Each person can only purchase up to 5 tickets for each date.

How Much If I Attend All Events?

Curious as to how much it would you to attend all DOTA 2 TI 2022 events? Put down your calculator as I already did it for you. For four days for Playoffs and for the two days for Finals, you have to be ready to spend SG$850 or roughly PhP 34,282. Add this amount to your almost two week stay in Singapore and also your airfare.

DOTA 2 TI 2022 Event Venues

Event Dates Venue
TI 2022 Playoffs 10/20 – 10/23 (Thursday – Sunday) Suntec Convention Center (Google Map)
TI 2022 Finals 10/ 29 – 10/30 (Saturday, Sunday) Singapore Indoor Stadium (Google Map)

The venues for the two events are different so be wary of this when going to TI 2022.

DOTA 2 TI 202 Battlepass When?

Even if you’re not flying to watch TI 2022 in Singapore, you’re likely very curious as to when the newest Battlepass will arrive. As of the writing of this article, no official mention of the dates were released and we can only wait for now.

News and announcements taken from the official DOTA 2 website here.




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Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.