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FEW3H Merc Whistle – How To Use | Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

In Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes (FEW3H), players can acquire a unique item, the Merc Whistle, during the course of the story campaign. Get to know how to use the Merc Whistle, what to do with it, and more using this guide.

FEW3H Merc Whistle – How To Get

Acquired In Chapter 10

FEW3H Merc Whistle acquired

The Merc Whistle is acquired once you reach Chapter 10 of the story campaign. You specifically get it after speaking to your leader and unlocking Battle Suggestions. Note that you don’t have to use it immediately and you can carry it until the final chapter.

Does Not Carry Over To New Game Plus

FEW3H No Merc Whistle

One thing to remember is that the Merc Whistle does not get carried over to New Game Plus. Use it before you proceed to the final battle! Good thing is that the game itself warns you once you reach the final chapter about this.

Read the new game plus guide to know more.

FEW3H Merc Whistle – How To Use

Use Only On A Rank Supports

FEW3H Give Merc Whistle

The option to give the Merc Whistle only appears when your support level with the character is A. Use Expeditions, the Adjutant system, give gifts, and choose the correct answer to steadily increase your support level with any of the characters in the game.

Get Unique Abilities

FEW3H Shez with Edelgard's Unique Accessory
You can imbue your attacks with fire using Edelgard’s unique accessory

The main purpose of the Merc Whistle is that it allows you to “copy” a character’s unique ability. For example, Edelgard’s “Solar Prominence” ability grants fire damage to attacks. You can get that power if you equip the item that Edelgard gives you in exchange for the Merc Whistle.

One thing to consider is that equipping the accessory changes the character’s unique skill. As shown in the image above, Shez has no access to his Shadowflash ability. Also worth noting is that the unique accessory is not only exclusive to Shez. Other characters can also equip the unique accessory.

Get A Special Letter At The End Of The Game

FEW3H Merc Whistle Letter

At the very end of the game, the person you gave the Merc Whistle to sends you a special letter. Each character sends a different message so if you’re a completionist, although tedious, you can try to give each character a Merc Whistle to view all of their messages.

Other Fire Emblem Warriors Guides

Read other guides below to get to know more about the inner workings of Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes:

Check out the official Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes store page here.

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