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5 PC Games to Play When Bored

You’re reading this because you’re bored. Out of the endless list of games that you have in your console, Steam, Origin, or Uplay, you still can’t find something to waste your time with. Maybe you are in the time where gamers can consider themselves ‘fatigued’ due to having experienced multiple titles like the wind. In this situation, playing your favorite games can then become an activity similar to watching a disemboweled rotting gazelle slowly regress to mother nature. Yes, it sounds boring and zero percent interesting. I am in the same ship as you buuuttt I do have some tricks up my sleeves. Here are some games that I play when I get bored with my usual serving of games:


1. The Sims 3 – Becoming an omnipotent and omnipresent deity is a hard thing to pass. The Sims games have taught us that power creeps up and whispers shady things inside your ear. “Remove the pool ladder” says the voice, you then quip and say, “Bbbbuutt, they’ll die”, the voice then replies, “Exactly!” Feeling bereft of human morals and responsibility, you regress and drown the digital sods into oblivion and placing their tombstones behind the house to haunt would-be residents. Due to the lack of inspiration, powering up The Sims 3 and creating a new character can do the opposite. The process starts with you getting so invested that you can’t even rip yourself off the screen. It’s like saying, “I’ll do this for just an hour” then changing into something like, “Oh! It’s 3:00am, I have work, but my Sim is already close to being a millionaire! Hoozah!” Never gets old.


2. Civilization 5 – Sid Meier’s Civ games have been so ingrained in the industry as a perfect time-waster that the catch phrase, “just one more turn” always springs up. Playing as one of the humankind’s top bosses isn’t an easy task, but it is addictive as hell. Should you nuke your neighbors or should you create a dystopian nation with the military machinery envied even by the gods? Hell, yeah! It also becomes a good a-hole simulator for some as it gives extreme satisfaction without having to be weighed down by the world-changing consequences.


3. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – While the game has been out for more than five years and reminding us how old we are, Skyrim still continues to amaze. Mods, namely the stupidly funny ones, do more than expand the already lively vanilla. Expansion packs also add more to the flavor, allowing players to ride dragons, build houses, and do things that a Dragonborn must do aside from saving the world. Collectively, I sunk about more than a hundred of man hours on this one. It is tempting to play it again as you might sometimes go with thoughts like, “what if I build a One Punch DragonBorn”?

Say no more.


4. Battlefield 4 – While I get that some gamers are angry with BF4’s bungled launch, the game went to great lengths to fix its failures. It’s my go to game when my digital trigger finger itches (no, not that one). The community might’ve shrunk but it’s still solid and finding a match to play in is not a tragic journey. The good thing is it is a quality game sold for such a low, low price.


5. Cities: Skylines – When doing nothing, starting a city of digital people helps in getting the gears running. Cities: Skylines trumped previous city sims because of its mods and other practical stuff that a leading developer left out. Mods and other designs also prolong the life of this product. Dams stopping millions of litters of poo also falls into the things that kickstart my creative gears.

Well, there you have it. I finally wrote these things down and I’m not bored anymore. Time to play some Civ 5!

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