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Ghostwire Tokyo: How To Use Tengu Guide

In Ghostwire Tokyo, players encounter flying spirits called Tengu. They are harmless and can be used to scale high buildings. This guide lets you know how to use them, how to use the upgraded Tengu skill, and more.

Ghostwire Tokyo: How To Use Summon Tengu Skill

Aim At A Ledge To Use Amenotori X

Ghostwire Tokyo spawn tengu

To use the upgraded Tengu Skill called “Amenotori X”, you must first aim at a ledge to instantly spawn a Tengu. On the PC, you can aim using the right mouse button. This is “LT” for a controller. Then, press the designated button (A or Space Bar) to grapple.

Can Be Used While Mid-Air

If you want to scale a building that is a bit too far from your location, you can glide and then aim at the ledge to climb up.

Has A Range Limit

You won’t be able to get to high buildings using only Amenotori X as there is a limit to its range. In order to scale higher structures, you must find ones that you can scale first and then work your way up. If the distance is not too far, you can make use of buses and lamp posts to reach the required range to spawn a Tengu.

Can Be Upgraded In Chapter 3

ghostwire tokyo amenotori x

As the skill “Amenotori X” requires a Magatama to unlock, the first time you can realistically get this upgrade is during Chapter 3 in the story mission “Blindness”. The map opens more after you break the barrier, allowing you to go around and do side quests to collect the requirement of 7 Magatama. As it requires a large number of Magatama, upgrading this skill can be a chore at first but it is definitely worth it.

Play Side Quests To Get Magatama

Ghostwire Tokyo Magatama

In Chapter 3, as some parts of the map are still locked, you can get more Magatama by playing side quests. These side quests often appear after you cleanse a Torii gate so be sure to check your map after cleansing.

Ghostwire Tokyo: How To Unlock Tengu Skill

Unlocked In The “Maze of Death” Story Mission

Ghostwire Tokyo Tengu Grapple

The first time you encounter a Tengu is during the “Maze of Death” story mission in Ghostwire: Tokyo’s Chapter 1. To reach the target Torii, you must make use of a Tengu to scale the heights.

Other Ghostwire: Tokyo Guides

Check out our review of Ghostwire: Tokyo here.

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