In Ghostwire: Tokyo, players can spot and obtain KK’s Investigation Notes from around the game world. Acquiring them grants a huge skill point bonus making them necessary if you want to max all skills or upgrade faster. Get to know their locations and how to get them here.
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There are a total of 20 KK’s Investigation Notes that you can find in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Some of them can be found by just picking them up while exploring. Some can only be had by buying them from Nekomata Stores. They fetch a very high price so be prepared and get as much money as you can as you go around.
Click on the map below to enlarge it.
The green ones can be found while exploring the world. The red one can only be accessed once you proceed to Chapter 5.
Chapter 5’s KK’s Investigation Notes can be found inside the building above. The notes can be found next to the safe.
KK’s Investigation Notes can be bought at Nekomata Stores scattered across the map. Click the map above and check the stores with the (!) mark for those that sell KK’s Investigation Notes. They fetch 100,000 each so be prepared to dole out a large amount of money for them. You can retrieve some of the relics required by these stores for resources to buy the notes.
You can find your first KK’s Investigation Notes inside KK’s apartment during Chapter 2. If you forgot to pick this up, you can go back to this location to fetch it.
KK’s Investigation Notes are reports about paranormal happenings in Tokyo. They were taken before the events of the game, giving you more background about KK and his job. It also tells you a bit about the spirits and monsters that you fight.
The additional Skill Points gained by taking KK’s Investigation Notes is necessary to max out all of your skills. While looking for them is optional, getting them can make it easier to progress the main story’s combat segments and boss fights.
Read our review of Ghostwire: Tokyo here.