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Ghostwire Tokyo: New Game Plus Guide

In Ghostwire: Tokyo, players may ask about the ending and what’s next after finishing a run. Is there a new game plus? If so, what are the things that you carry over? Read this guide to know more.

Ghostwire Tokyo – Is There A New Game Plus?

Start A New Game After Finishing The Game

After finishing the game, you can either restart from the beginning or replay your current save to collect more items. Restarting from the beginning leaves you with the unlockables that you were able to get during your previous playthrough. Unfortunately, the game does not carry over player level, skills, and equipment to your new game.

Collect Unlockables In Chapter 4

Ghostwire Tokyo Restart

The game also throws back your current playthrough before the transition to Chapter 5. However, you do keep the bonuses that you gained at the end of your first run. You restart just in front of KK’s apartment with the world as you left it before going to Chapter 5. This leaves you with the chance to explore the open world and collect as many items as you can.

Items Carried Over To New Game Plus

Ghostwire Tokyo New Game Plus

  • Transmission Beads (Prayer Beads)
  • Ko-omote: Prototype (Music)
  • Yaseotoko: Prototype (Music)
  • Abyss: Prototype (Music)
  • Outfits
  • Emotes
  • Camera Filters
  • Music Tracks

Transmission Beads

Ghostwire Tokyo Transmission Beads

Transmission Beads
Allows you to transmit souls on the spot without using a phone booth.

An item that you get after beating the game once. This item will always be given to you whenever you start a new game in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Absorbing souls while wearing this automatically transmits them to Ed, rewarding you with money and experience points on the spot.

Available From Chapter 2

The items listed above will not be available from the get go in your new game plus. They will be given halfway through Chapter 2.

Mostly Does Not Impact Gameplay

Most of the items that will be carried over when you start a new game do not impact gameplay. Most of them are either cosmetics or tracks that you can play as you go out and explore again.

Other Ghostwire Tokyo Guides

Read our review of Ghostwire: Tokyo here.


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