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Ghostwire Tokyo: Prayer Beads List & How To Get Them

In Ghostwire: Tokyo, players can wear Prayer Beads to strengthen attacks, get extra passive abilities, and more. They are quite numerous and can be upgraded through various means. Get to know the effect of each Prayer Beads, how to get them, upgrades, and more using this guide.

Ghostwire Tokyo – Prayer Beads List

Prayer BeadsEffectsWhere To Get
Gust Beads
Wind-Elemental Attack Power +20% / 40% / 60%
  • Kagerie Observation Deck
  • Hatsuike Shrine
  • Kamio Shrine
Flame Beads
Fire-Elemental Attack Power +20% / 40% / 60%
  • Kirigaoka Shrine
  • Akitsu Shrine
  • Mikubo Shrine
Aqua Beads
Water-Elemental Attack Power +20% / 40% / 60%
  • Toyoi Shrine
  • Yamaki Shrine
  • Kappagaike Torii Gate
Archery Beads
Arrow Attack Power +20% / 40% / 60%
  • Namihara Shrine
  • Matsumi Shrine
  • Morite Shrine
Talisman Beads
Level 1: Increases the effect duration of Stun and Thicket Talismans to 2x
Level 2: Increases the effect radius of Exposure and Decoy Talismans to 2x
  • Momokane Building Rooftop Torii Gate
  • Shimokusa Shrine
Astral Beads
Increases the amount of ether that appears
  • Doll Fanatic Nekomata (6 Requests)
  • Archeology Nekomata (All Requests)
  • Musical Nekomata
Incognito Beads
Makes it longer for enemies to detect you.
  • Noto Shrine
Spirit Perception Beads
Allows you to sense spirits within a radius of 100m / 200m
  • Hitani Shrine
  • Saihama Building Rooftop Torii Gate
Prosperity Beads
Doubles the amount of meika gained from yellow ether crystals
  • Chishima Shrine
Nourishment Beads
Doubles the amount of HP recovered by consumables
  • Hirajuku Building Rooftop Torii Gate
  • Tatsui Shrine
  • Sakano Shrine
Self-Defense Beads
Reduces damage taken by 10% / 20% / 30%
  • Playful Nekomata (3 Requests)
  • Antique Nekomata (5 Requests)
  • Netsuke Collector Nekomata (All Requests)
Sleuth Beads
Allows you to sense KK’s investigation notes within a radius of 100m / 200m / 300m
  • Hirokawa Shrine
  • Shiratsuki Shrine
  • Onten Shrine
Transmission Beads
Allows you to transmit souls on the spot without using a phone booth
  • Finish the game
Tireless Beads
Allows you to unleash unlimited attacks.
  • Finish the game with 100% Spirits transferred
Shadow Beads
Makes it nearly impossible for enemies to spot you.
  • Finish the game with 100% Spirits transferred

How To Get Prayer Beads

Cleanse Torii Gates

Ghostwire Tokyo Torii Gate Prayer Beads

Clearing the fog by cleansing Torii Gates usually rewards you with a Prayer Bead that you can equip. Duplicates of Prayer Beads upgrade your current one, bolstering its effects and making it more effective in either combat or exploration.

Get Them From Nekomatas

Ghostwire Tokyo Nekomata

You can also get Prayer Beads from Nekomatas, the cat spirits that sell rare items. However, you cannot simply buy them with money. You have to look for rare items around Tokyo and retrieve a specified number of them to get the Prayer Beads. Note that each Nekomata shop is unique so be sure to check them out!

Other Ghostwire Tokyo Guides

Read our review of Ghostwire: Tokyo here.


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