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Hogwarts Legacy Best House Guide – Which House To Choose?

In Hogwarts Legacy, players get to choose from the four houses of Hogwarts. But which house is actually the best in Hogwarts Legacy? Should you choose what you want? Is there any difference? Get to know with this guide.

Hogwarts Legacy Best House Guide

No House Is The Best

In terms of gameplay advantage, no house is better than the rest. Each one is mostly the same in terms of content and only have some “minor” differences. Some of these differences are unique only to that faction and they do not necessarily have any implications when it comes to gameplay. With that said, choose which house you want. If you’re a fan of Gryffindor, then choose it. Same goes with Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Differences Between Choosing Houses

  • House Colors – which can also affect some of your character’s clothes and equipment
  • Common Room – you cannot enter the common room of other houses
  • One unique mission – for the first trial, each house tasks the player with different missions
  • Unique Location – tied to the unique mission with each house, each house also has their own unique locations in either inside or outside Hogwarts
  • Character interaction – some characters interact differently or have different scripts depending on the players’ house

If you are curious about each house’s unique content, you might want to play the game again after you beat it. Or seek out the best talents in the game using the talent guide!

Which Is The Best Hogwarts Legacy House For You?

We all know by heart that the best house is the house that we chose. So which one is the best one for you?

Which House Is The Best?

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Hogwarts Legacy is available on PC, PS5 & PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. Get to know more about the game via the official website.

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