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Hogwarts Legacy Imperio Guide – How To Learn

In Hogwarts Legacy, players can learn the unforgivable curse, Imperio. In order to learn this spell however, you need to finish a couple of quests and fulfill certain conditions. Get to know how to get Imperio, quests that you need to finish, and more using this guide.

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio – How To Learn


  1. Follow Sebastian’s side quest until your reach, “In the Shadow of Time” quest
  2. Complete the main quest “Charles Rookwood’s Trials”
  3. Take on the quest and progress until you get the opportunity to learn Imperio
  4. Allow Sebastian to teach you Imperio

Follow Sebastian’s Character Side Quest

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio

Sebastian Sallow, following his lesson with Crucio, is the done that will teach you the Imperio spell. Follow his questline until you reach the quest, “In the Shadow of Time”. During the quest, Sebastian teaches you Imperio. When given the opportunity to learn it, accept the offer and complete the mini game to finally learn the spell.

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio – How To Use

Befriend An Enemy

Enemy to Ally
Enemies affected by Imperio have eyes that glow white

Imperio basically makes an enemy unit an ally for a couple of seconds. This grants you an additional body in the field that can hit enemies and damage them. Also, it is an additional target that the enemy must contend with, taking a bit of heat off of you during the thick of a fight.

Upgrade When Possible

Imperio’s Talent upgrade allows the affected target to spread curses. Cursed targets receive more damage and when combined with other spells, a battle can be significantly turned to your advantage. Purchase the Dark Arts Talent for the Imperio as soon as you can after learning it. Imperio’s talent upgrade also greatly helps an upgraded Avada Kedavra.

Read the Best Talents Guide to know more. For other talents, check out the Hogwarts Legacy Talent List.

Target Strongest Foes

Imperio can be used on targets such as Loyalist Commanders and Ashwinder wizards and witches. Aside from that, the curse is also effective against large trolls. Seek out the strongest enemy in the field to maximize the effects of Imperio and to make difficult fights into cakewalk.

No Disadvantage

Apparently, the world of Hogwarts Legacy is not too hard on Unforgivable Curses provided that you are the one using them. Using curses like Imperio has no effect on your play as the game does not have any morality system present. You can even use these spells in front of your professors and friends (just don’t mind their disgust!)

Other Unforgivable Curses

Unforgivable Curses are banned curses in the world of Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy. They have been banned for a reason and they inflict tremendous damage to their targets. Learn more about them and how to get them in Hogwarts Legacy using these guides:

Hogwarts Legacy is available on PC, PS5 & PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. Get to know more about the game via the official website.

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