After the availability of the latest version of Android, 6.0 Marshmallow, hit Google’s own Nexus last week. And now LG is planning to get the update on its own phones as soon as possible. The company just announced that G4 owners – in selected countries, at least – will get the latest OS upgrade next week and other countries such as America, Asia, and Europe immediately after. LG customers in Poland will be the first one to get Marshmallow.
LG marketing VP Chris Yie stated “By working closely with Google, LG has been able to bring Android 6.0 to the G4 ahead of any of our competitors”. LG is also partnering with Google on the Nexus 5X running on Android Marshmallow.
LG hasn’t announced yet any other phones that are yet to receive Marshmallow, or when the software will be available in any other markets.