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Modern Warfare 2 Cartel Protection Campaign Mission Walkthrough & Guide

In Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), the sixth mission that players get to experience is called “Cartel Protection”. Get to know how to navigate this mission, walkthrough, and useful tips using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 Cartel Protection Mission Walkthrough

  1. Push forward with Ghost and Alejandro. Eliminate the small groups of enemies that you encounter. Enter the last house in the alley and be wary of ambushes.
  2. After the conversation with Alejandro, head outside and clear the next house. Look for more weapons and arm yourself to the teeth. You’ll be defending for a while here so get the LMGs and stock up on ammo.
  3. Hold your fire until Alejandro’s command.  Kill the enemy troops until you get the command to pull back. Jump out the window and continue running down. Occasionally stop and fire back at your pursuers.
  4. Continue with advancing and stopping to cover your rear. Once you reach the cliff, sprint and jump to go further and progress. Climb up the next clearing and fight your way forward.
  5. Traverse the cliffside by performing the sprint and jump movement. Hug the cliff face and  rejoin Alejandro and Ghost. Jump into the water to advance.
  6. Swim down river and use the rocks for cover. Stop and shoot at your pursuers from time to time to relieve pressure.
  7. Continue until you get to the bridge. Hide behind a large rock and wait for the gunship to pound the enemy units from above. After the explosive climax, head left and ride the pickup.

Mission Reward

Completing Cartel Protection rewards you with “Chuy” an Operator that you can use in both co-op and multiplayer.

Modern Warfare 2 Cartel Protection Tips & Guides

Use Explosives Against Riot Shields

Riot Shields

During your defense in the house, expect swarms of enemy soldiers to attack your position. Amongst these soldiers are ones that carry riot shields. Riot Shields are impervious to most small arms fire and you can only defeat the carrier by either flanking them or with explosives. Use grenades or Semtex to down them during the attack.

Sprint To Jump Further

Sprint jump

During several parts in the mission, you will be required to sprint and jump to reach far ledges. Remember to add some distance before you sprint then time your jumps to land to the other side. You can also grab ledges if you find yourself short.

For the previous mission guide, read the Borderline walkthrough. If you need the next mission guide, read the Close Air walkthrough.

For the list of all campaign missions in Modern Warfare 2, read this handy list.

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