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Modern Warfare 2 Ghost Team Campaign Mission Walkthrough & Guide

In Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), the sixteenth mission that players get to experience is called “Ghost Team”. Get to know how to navigate this mission, walkthrough, and useful tips using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 Ghost Team Mission Walkthrough

Sneaking Into The Base

  1. As Gaz, follow Alejandro until you reach the lasers. Watch him toss a smoke grenade first then crouch down and move forward to press the button. You’ll do this a couple of times in the next minute.
  2. Toss another smoke grenade once you get the prompt. Wait for the laser to point at the pillar before you move. Once the coast is clear, move forward and press the button to turn the lasers off. Move forward.
  3. Another laser trap lies in front of you. It starts just after the first light you see. Toss another smoke grenade, wait for the lasers to get blocked by the pillars, then move forward to press the button. Continue advancing.
  4. Upon reaching the end of the corridor, be wary of enemy units here. Round the corner slowly and shoot down the enemies. Enter the room after the short discussion.
  5. Toss another smoke grenade. Crawl until you reach the end of the corridor. Shoot at the enemy trying to jump scare you. Turn off the alarms and then go topside with your team.
  6. Shoot the two enemies beside the helicopter and head to the door to end this segment.

Attacking The Base

  1. As Soap, get the armor plates and the Spotter Scope from the frame behind the driver’s seat. Aim the spotter scope at the gates and watch the sparks fly.
  2. Get out of the vehicle and head left. Make your way to the first building as you fight towards the tower. Use the Spotter Scope to thin down the enemy forces.
  3. If you can, go to an elevated position and destroy the MG nest guarding the tower. You can also snipe the enemies covering the parking lot.
  4. Head straight to the tower (or what’s left of it) and fight your way into the building and to the headquarters. Remember that you can still use the chopper as support so maximize it and hit entrenched enemies.
  5. Use the chopper to destroy the armored vehicle blocking your way to the HQ. Clear all enemies and reach the doors of the headquarters to progress.

Securing Valeria

  1. It’s back to Gaz this time. Follow Alejandro into the hangar. Advance slowly and clear the room.
  2. Exit the hangar and cross into the vehicle depot. There’s no need to engage here so let the enemies pass. Again, advance slowly and stop from time to time. There are enemies on the right side so keep away and just follow the middle path. Just crouch until you reach the other side. Note that you can kill lone soldiers without causing any problems.
  3. Head into the hangar with Alejandro. Fight the enemies guarding the container. Be ready to fight armored enemies so swap out your primary if you find yourself running out of ammo.
  4. Clear the room and interact with the blue container to advance to the final part of this mission.

Defeating Graves

  1. Enter the headquarters and prepare for heavy resistance. Go to the second floor and deal with the armored foes. Clear the floor and head outside with Rodolfo.
  2. After watching the attack helicopter go down (they will be missed), interact with Rodolfo to get to the other side of the wall.
  3. Prepare for the boss fight against Graves and his tank. Look for the orange boxes inside the structures to get C4, do hit and run against the tank by planting C4 and detonating it to chip at its health. You can also use RPGs lying around the area. More details about this battle in the tank boss fight guide.
  4. Defeat Graves with the power of C4 and RPGs to finally end this mission. Oh, and it’s not over yet!

Modern Warfare 2 Ghost Team Mission Reward

Completing Ghost Team rewards you with “Hutch” an Operator that you can use in both co-op and multiplayer.

Modern Warfare 2 Ghost Team Tips & Guides

Use The Spotter Scope

Use the spotter scope

The Spotter Scope is your ultimate weapon during the early stages of this mission. Use it liberally and point it where enemy resistance is concentrated. The helicopter is powerful enough to tear down buildings and rip through vehicles. Use it when possible during your advance.

Sneak & Go Loud Segments

The mission is split into two different parts: stealth and action. During the stealth part, you control Gaz as he and Alejandro heads to secure Valeria. For the action part, it’s good ‘ol Soap bringing down destruction as he and the rest of the group advance to take down Graves. As Gaz, use silenced weapons. As Soap, try to get sniper rifles as early as you can to easily deal with armored enemies blocking your path.

Battling Graves

C4 tank graves

Tank Graves can be pretty hard during your first few tries as you try to figure out how to navigate the training grounds. The only thing that can damage his tank are C4s and RPGs, both of which you can find in the grounds. It may sound easy but the tank is fast, has two guns that can hit you, and you also have to contend with spawning infantry. Be patient and do hit and runs to slowly whittle down Graves’ health.

Read detailed tips about this encounter using the tank boss fight guide.

For the previous mission guide, read the Hindsight walkthrough. If you need the next mission guide, read the Countdown walkthrough.

For the list of all campaign missions in Modern Warfare 2, read this handy list.

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