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Modern Warfare 2 How To Beat Hassan Guide

In the final mission of Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players get to battle Hassan and his guards in a climactic battle. Instead of the typical gunfight, the player must make use of the materials scattered around the area to defeat the armored and heavily-armed guards. Get to know how to defeat Hassan and his guards, tips, and more using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 How To Beat Hassan

Run & Get Materials

Get materials

After taking control of Soap, run around the area and familiarize yourself with the layout. Take as many materials as you can and don’t worry too much about getting caught by the lumbering armored dudes. Sprint across the floor and look for possible hiding spots.

Deal With The Missile

Missile Control

Now that you have a good idea with what you are up with, you can finally take it slow and deal with the missile first. Find a good spot, a room is highly recommended here, and hunker down to tinker with the missile. This may easily take a minute if you follow Laswell’s instructions. Note that finally disabling the missile emits a loud sound which may alert the armed guards.

Plant Traps & Get A Boxcutter

open for boxcutters

Now that we have dealt with the missile, we can finally concentrate on eliminating the armored guards. To do so, craft a Pry Tool first then some Smoke Bombs and Gas Traps. Utilize the Gas Traps by planting them at choke points or at places where you think the two soldiers would search.

 With a Pry Tool, pry open one of the large red toolboxes to get a boxcutter. This is your main weapon to combat the highly trained, armored, and armed to the teeth guards.

Stun & Defeat The Guards

Defeat Hassans Guards
This guard has been hit with a Gas Trap making him vulnerable to melee attacks.

Now that you have a weapon, you can finally eliminate the guards. But it won’t be easy. To takedown these brutes, you must first stun them. To stun them, you have two options: use the Gas Traps or the Smoke Bombs. Gas Traps can stop them temporarily but the kicker here is that they cough from time to time, leaving them vulnerable to your attacks all throughout the fight. The Smoke Bomb just leaves them stunned for a few seconds. Utilize both tools and take down the two guards hounding you.

After taking them down, congratulate yourself as you’ve finally killed the “final boss(es)” in Modern Warfare 2.

Shoot Hassan

Modern Warfare 2 Shoot Hassan

With the guards done, Soap immediately gets hit from the back. You now transition to controlling Ghost with his sniper rifle looking at Soap from the opposite building. Would’ve helped a lot if he came in a bit earlier but eh. Anyway, just shoot Hassan to finally end Modern Warfare 2’s story campaign.

Modern Warfare 2 How To Encounter Hassan

Reach The End Of Countdown

Countdown is the final mission of Modern Warfare 2’s campaign. In it, you get to infiltrate a tower and attack the terrorists hiding Hassan and taking hostages. After fighting through Hassan’s guards and seeing the missile get launched, you finally get to a climactic fight with the elusive terrorist without your guns.

After defeating Hassan, you get to see what happens to the team and what’s likely to be in store in the next Modern Warfare.

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