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More Witcher 3 Gameplay Details Revealed!

witcher 3 preview

Grow a beard, see a horse eat an apple, and a mix of trivial and significant features are to be expected from CDProjeckt’s upcoming title, Witcher 3. According to a thread in Neogaf, A journalist from German gaming magazine, Gamestar.de, has played the game for 12 hours, ample enough to get the general feel of the game. Impressed with the game’s overall performance, the journalist went on to list features that apparently stood out. Since it’s a very long list, I took the liberty to list down the more interesting ones:

  • 4 Difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Dark)
  • Bargain money after completing contracts
  • Well-made sidequests
  • Has a very large game world, larger than Skyrim
  • Intercharacter dialogue has no “good” or “bad” indicators, you need to figure it out
  • Gwent, the card game found in the books can now be played
  • No Man’s Land features 25 towns, each of which can be as large as Flotsam in Witcher 2
  • No monster level scaling
  • Ciri’s gameplay is more of an action-oriented type of play and is about 5-10 hours long
  • Geralt’s beard will grow overtime
  • No simple fetch quests
  • No loading times for entering buildings
  • Xbox One resolution is at 900p

As a clincher, the journalist then went on to state, “My two days with Geralt were one of the most beautiful, most exciting and overwhelming experiences I have experienced in my 33 years gaming life.” Now that’s s very hyping statement.

The way it’s sounding now, Witcher 3 might be dead set for a game of the year award. But then again, we’ll just have to wait on its release date in order for us to make a concrete conclusion.

Prepare your vacation (or sick, ehem!) leaves on May 19, 2015 as it is the release date of Witcher 3.

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