You know people love your games and works when they pool up resources to fund your venture. Koji Igarashi, the man behind the Castlevania series, has expressed his intent in creating a similarly themed game in the form of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Posted just last night in Kickstarter, the game has already broken through its $500,000 goal with its current funding sitting on the millions scale.
As per the description in their page, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is aiming to recreate the classic Castlevania atmosphere. It would also feature exploration, side-scroll combat, and RPG elements.
The game is set to be available on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC (via Steam)
Since you’re reading this article, why not watch his video to know more about the game.
Igarashi left Konami in 2014 to create his own studio.