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New Trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 is Out! Reveals Release Date

While we do know that Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption II will finally be a reality, we were still left in the dark as to when it will be released. But like a thunderbolt, Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption II is confirmed to be launched on next year’s spring, depending on which side of the globe you reside, about March to May.

Here’s the new trailer:

As per the scarce details contained within the trailer, the game will be a prequel about Dutch’s gang, a critical character in the first Red Dead Redemption.

The trailer doesn’t tell much about how Red Dead Redemption II’s gameplay, but it does show alot about its world and characters. Definitely, we will see more of this game as the release date draws near. Might have to wrestle with the thought of pre-ordering it, though.

Rockstar’s first Red Redemption was critically-acclaimed for its fantastic gameplay and incredibly memorable story. It’s no wonder that Rockstar’s next entry would generate this much hype. However, the standard has been set and all eyes are set as to how Rockstar would further elevate it. Grand Theft Auto V was an incredible entry to the open-world genre, pressuring similar games to keep up or wither and die. The same can be said with Red Dead Redemption II. But given that its “Rockstar”, expectations would probably be met, or even surpassed.

Since game will be available on the Sony PS4 and Xbox One, perhaps the next six months would be more than enough to save for a new console?


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