HomeTechnologyNext is broken: Note 5's major design flaw

Next is broken: Note 5’s major design flaw


Careful on using your S Pen!

There’s a huge uproar on Samsung’s latest Note phablet right now and it’s not positive. News have been popping out in the internet on it’s major design flaw. It’s when you accidentally insert back your S Pen in the wrong way – this could result in the S Pen being hopelessly stuck in the holster. If you managed to remove it, it will then result your Note 5 being unable to detect the pen. Either way, you’re stuck with a broken pen that could result in an expensive repair fee. Want an example? Watch the video below.

Samsung failed to make a fool-proof way to let you know that you’re inserting the pen the wrong way. The Note 5 will easily let you insert the pen in reverse without any effort whereas in the Note 4, it would be nearly impossible to put it back the wrong way (or it would take so much force. That’s obviously intentional).

Samsung immediately responded when this news surfaced – that they already informed users through the manual that comes with the box. They said:

“We highly recommend our Galaxy Note 5 users follow the instructions in the user guide to ensure they do not experience such an unexpected scenario caused by reinserting the S pen in the other way around.”

Sure, if every buyer had the time (which they don’t) to read the instructions thoroughly, then they might take some extra precautions to avoid inserting the S Pen the wrong way. But that’s not a way out, kids might mess around with the phone.

This also tells everyone that Samsung already knew that the Note 5 had a design flaw, just simply ignored and just stated in the manual. Maybe too lazy to fix?




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