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Overwatch 2 Ana Hero Guide – Skills, Role & Skin Comparison

In Overwatch 2, players can take control of Ana, a hero taking on the Support role. Get to know Ana’s skills, role in the game, Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2 skin comparison, and more using this guide.

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Overwatch 2 Ana Hero Guide – Details

Overwatch 2 Ana Cover

Former second in command of Overwatch, Ana Amari uses her skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she cares for.

Easy to use and reliable, Ana is one of the more beginner-friendly Support heroes. Shooting enemies with her rifle damages them while shooting at allies heals them. Simple point and shoot. Despite the simplicity, Ana can be an incredibly effective support as she can provide heals from afar. She can also immobilize pursuers with her Sleep Dart, leaving them vulnerable to well-placed attacks. One downside to her is that Ana has no escape skill and is not as mobile as other Support heroes in Overwatch 2.

Origin Story

A founding member of Overwatch and once renowned as the greatest sniper in the world, Ana Amari comes from a long line of decorated military veterans. Though she was thought to have perished in a firefight with Talon, Ana has rejoined the fray to protect her country, family, and closest allies.

Overwatch 2 Ana Hero Skills

Ana Weapons

Biotic RifleBiotic RifleLong-range rifle that heals allies and damages enemies.
Biotic Rifle Alt FireHold to zoom in.

Ana Ultimate

NanoBoostNano BoostIncreases an ally’s damage, while reducing damage taken.

Ana Abilities

Sleep DartSleep DartFires a dart that puts an enemy to sleep.
Biotic GrenadeBiotic GrenadeThrows a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and preventing healing on enemies.

Ana Passive

Support RoleRole: SupportAutomatically heal over time.

Overwatch 2 Ana Hero Overwatch 1 & 2 Skins

Tips On How To Use Ana In Overwatch 2

Heal From Afar

Heal from afar

With her Biotic Rifle, Ana can heal allies from afar. Simply targeting them and shooting heals them a good chunk of health, allowing them to survive longer. Maximize this ranged healing by going to vantage points or positions that can give you a good view of the battlefield. Also, beware of possible points of attacks as enemies are likely to come after you after seeing you healing friends from afar.

Beware Of Mobile Attackers

Ana Attack

As Ana has no means to escape, she can be very vulnerable to mobile heroes. If you have ample distance between you and the fight, you can run away and ask for support whenever you spot an enemy hero running towards you. If you find yourself in close contact with the enemy, utilize the Sleep Dart to escape and immobilize your pursuer.

Nano Boost Tanks Or Damage Dealers

Nano Boost Ana Hero

Nano Boost significantly increases the combat ability of an allied hero. Use it whenever you can and buff damage dealers or tanks. Note that you can use Nano Boost from afar and you don’t need to be directly beside the target to use it.

Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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