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Overwatch 2 Baptiste Hero Guide – Skills, Role & Skin Comparison

In Overwatch 2, players can take control of Baptiste, a hero taking on the damage role. Get to know Baptiste’s skills, role in the game, Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2 skin comparison, and more using this guide.

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Overwatch 2 Baptiste Hero Guide – Details

Overwatch 2 Baptiste Cover

Composed mostly of cybernetic enhancements, Baptiste is a peerless tactician with an unwavering moral compass, making her an indispensable ally… or a terrifying foe.

Baptiste is a Support that packs quite a punch with his Biotic Launcher. His kit is wholly about protecting allies and healing them up from a good range. His burst rifle, though not as powerful as others’ weapons, can be used reliably to deal damage from afar. He also compliments this with abilities such as instant AoE heal and an AoE invulnerability gadget. His greatest weakness however, is that his abilities have long cooldowns. This can make him a punishing hero to control as misusing an ability can be debilitating to your team’s ability to fight and survive.

Origin Story

An elite combat medic, Baptiste was lured into Talon by the promise of easy riches. Later, disgusted with what he had done, he deserted Talon to forge a new path for himself. Now he works toward a better world, healing where he can and fighting when he must.

Overwatch 2 Baptiste Hero Skills

Baptiste Weapons

Biotic LauncherBiotic LauncherThree-round burst gun.
Biotic Launcher Alt FireLob a healing projectile that heals all allies near the impact.

Baptiste Ultimate

Amplification MatrixAmplification MatrixProject a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles.

Baptiste Abilities

Regenerative BurstRegenerative BurstActivate to heal yourself and nearby allies instantly, with additional healing over time. Instant heal is doubled for targets less than half health.
Immortality FieldImmortality FieldToss a device that prevents allies from dying. The device can be destroyed.

Baptiste Passive

Exo BoostExo BoostHold crouch to jump higher.
Support RoleRole: SupportEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Overwatch 2 Baptiste Hero Overwatch 1 & 2 Skins

Tips On How To Use Baptiste In Overwatch 2

Use Immortality Field To Counter Ultimates

Immortality Field Baptiste

Immortality Field is an extremely useful skill provided that you use it well. It plants a floating device that renders all allies within its range invulnerable to enemy attacks. Use this to survive damaging ultimates and time it well. Also note that the enemy can end the effects by shooting the Immortality Field device so defend it when you can.

Regenerative Burst Can Help In The Final Push

Baptiste Regenerative Burst

An AoE heal that originates from Baptiste’s position, Regenerative Burst can give your team the needed HP to end a match. Use this when the team gets damaged by AoE attacks or if you find yourself surrounded by wounded teammates. One important thing about this ability is that it doubles the recovered HP for allies that are below 50% HP.

Use Amplification Matrix To Rain Down Damage

Amplification Matrix Use

Amplification Matrix allows you and your teammates to deal more damage and more heals if you fire through it. Make good use of it by placing it in places where allies can take advantage of their attacks and skills. The Amplification Matrix can be crucial during the final minutes of a defense or attack.

Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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