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Overwatch 2 Post-Paid Number Required – Possible Fixes (Updated)

With Overwatch 2 going free-to-play, players must contend with an additional gate to scale to play the game. As a requirement, players must now provide a phone number to access the game. Not just any mobile phone number but Overwatch 2 requires a “post-paid” one. So, how do you get around this predicament? Is there a way to still play the game without having a post-paid account?

Note that this article will be updated once more information about fixes or workarounds are acquired.

How To Play Overwatch 2 Without A Post-Paid Account

There’s no going around this for now. You have to have a post-paid account in order to play Overwatch 2 in its present form. However, there may be several ways for you to do so:

Buy A New Pre-Paid SIM

We have received a first-hand report of a user being able to bypass the post-paid SIM requirement here in the Philippines. The said user bought a new pre-paid SIM card from Globe, a local telecommunications company, and was able to get through Overwatch 2’s post-paid SIM requirement. An industry insider has stated that this is due to Globe employing a system similarly applied to both post and pre-paid SIM cards.

For users outside the Philippines, there may be some options similar to the above. You may have to try out a couple of SIM cards, provided that they are free or cheap, in order to finally play Overwatch 2. A tip we’ve received is that the compatible SIM card should be asking you if it’s pre-paid or post-paid upon installation. If so, that SIM may be used to play Overwatch 2 despite being designated as pre-paid.

Borrow A Post-Paid Number

If you have a friend that has a post-paid number and does not have any plans to play Overwatch 2, you can borrow that friend’s number instead. This, however, comes with risks and you should be wary of it as you will be somewhat “lending” your account too.

After setting up and inputting the number, install the Blizzard Authenticator on your mobile phone. This is to stave off pings/warnings to that borrowed number whenever you log into your account. This works as a temporary solution until you get your own post-paid number.

You can also try and convince your parents to use their numbers instead.

Again, use your better judgement when borrowing a number. The whole process of attaching a number requires communication between you and the number’s owner as codes will be initially sent that number for confirmation. This also allows them to take a small peek into to your account. Ultimately, choosing to borrow a number that has a possibility of accessing your account is your responsibility. So choose well or wait it out and get your own post paid account.

Get A Post-Paid Account For Overwatch 2

Circumstances may have prevented you to get a post paid account. Overwatch 2 may have well been the final straw. The most straightforward solution is to get your own post paid account to play. Anyhow, different countries have different standards and pricings for this. In the Philippines, typical mobile postpaid plans start from PhP 599 (roughly US$10).

Wait It Out

If you are optimistic and feeling lucky, Blizzard Activision or external partners may reverse their decision about the post paid number requirement. This is nothing but hopeful thinking and you might end up waiting for nought or playing a different game altogether.

Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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