When it comes to breaking records, expect Samsung to be on the edge (haha, get it?). According to Korea Times interview with an anonymous top executive in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelon, Spain, “Samsung received some 20 million pre-orders for the S6 and S6 Edge, 15 million os S6 and five million of the S6 Edge from mobile carriers, worldwide. This is the record.”
Compared to Apple’s Iphone 6? We can start with how they count their pre-orders. Apple counts per number of users sold while Samsung counts those sold to dealers and distributors. But anyhow, both items can be considered sold. However, Samsung’s method does not account those that remain on top shelves. On a side note, Apple’s Iphone 6 has sold 74.5 million units in the past quarter.
Samsung’s Galaxy S6 is expected to be released sometime in April with the price starting at around 32,000 PHP
Sources: Apple Q1 Report | Koreatimes