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Scorn Boss Fight Guide (Act V) – How To Beat

In Scorn, players get to encounter a boss fight in Act 5 of the game. As the game is pretty vague with its mechanics, it’s not too far fetched to get beaten by this final boss fight. Get to know how to defeat the final boss in Scorn, techniques, and tips using this guide.

Scorn Boss Fight Guide – How To Beat

Two Boss Fights

The only boss fight in the game is found in Act 5 of Scorn. To trigger this fight, players must squeeze the blood out of little creatures to get to the next area. However, the blood required must be had after dueling a couple of flesh mechs. You must defeat a total of two of these bosses to progress the story.

First Boss Fight

First Boss Fight

Two Phases

This boss fight has two phases. The initial one requires you to dodge the grenades being lobbed at you. The second requires you time your attack to destroy the boss’ abdomen. Enemy weak spots only appear after certain conditions are met.

How To Win The First Boss Fight

  1. After activating the boss, draw its fire and use the cages to evade.
  2. Once you see the boss kneeling down to reload, head to its sides.
  3. Use your shotgun and place a well-aimed shot to burst the glowing purple sacs located at its sides. You have to do this twice.
  4. After destroying the sacs, approach the boss to get its weapon. It will stand up and push you away, signaling the start of phase two.
  5. The boss will now chase after you and shoot you with grenades. Use the cages as cover and try to maintain distance.
  6. To open the boss’ weak spot, try to get close to it to trigger a melee attack. Quickly move back and use your pistol to shoot the abdomen. You only have a moment for this so make it count!
  7. Defeat the boss to get the grenade launcher.
  8. Pick up the little creature and juice it to fill half of the container.

Hit The Weak Spots

Scorn Boss Fight Weakness

The first phase of this fight require you to hit the weak spots appearing on the sides of the boss. Use your shotgun to destroy the sac with one shot. Rinse and repeat again for the other side to proceed to phase two.

Be Patient During The Second Phase

Shoot the Embryo

The second phase of the boss can be quite hard as you need to be in melee range for it to trigger. Do not get too close and always face the boss. Be prepared with your pistol to shoot the abdomen when it tries to ready for a melee attack. Note that it might take a couple of tries so be patient.

Second Boss Fight

Use The Grenade Launcher To Get The Embryo

Scorn Grenade Puzzle

While battling the boss, you might have noticed another embryo behind a grated wall. To get this, go the the right side of the room and stand on the slanted platform. Stand for a while and wait for a panel to open. Use the grenade launcher to lob a grenade. If all goes well, something goes boom and the wall blocking path to the embryo is now open.

How To Win The Second Boss Fight

  1. After placing the embryo into the second boss’ abdomen, move back and draw its fire.
  2. Continue running circles around the boss and wait until it reloads.
  3. Once the boss kneels down to reload, relocate to its rear.
  4. Use the grenade launcher to shoot a grenade into the boss’ backpack to end the fight.
  5. Get the little creature and juice it with the contraption to finally fill the container.

Wait For The Boss To Reload

Scorn Boss Reload

The only thing that you need to do to defeat the second boss is to wait for it to reload. Once it starts getting ammo from its backpack, move around it and lob a grenade into the opening. After a spectacular explosion, the boss goes down and you are again free to progress.

Scorn Boss Fight Guide – Boss Details

Only Boss Fight(s) In The Game

Not counting the other hardy foes, this two-round fight is the only boss fight in Scorn. If you want to survive this fight, it is highly recommended that you conserve your shotgun ammo. It’s also worth noting that having a full health is more than likely to win you this fight.

Get to know how to heal using this guide.

Get The Grenade Launcher As A Reward

Scorn Grenade Launcher

For fighting the boss, you get the grenade launcher as a reward. Although you won’t use it to combat foes, the weapon gets featured a lot as a puzzle tool. Look for ways to utilize it like you did with the second boss fight to advance the game’s story.

Scorn is available on both PC and Xbox Series X|S. Get to see the Steam product page here.

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