HomeGamingSpace Marine 2 Classes & Roles

Space Marine 2 Classes & Roles


Space Marine 2 released a slew of new information for those that await its highly-awaited release date. One new nugget of info is that the game would feature a class system. In Space Marine 2, players are expected to perform specific roles in multiplayer and in coop. These roles have their own unique set of skills, loadouts, and abilities. Get to know more of each Space Marine 2 classes with this article!

Space Marine 2 is yet to be released so info in this page is incomplete. Rest assured, once the game is released, this page will be updated to reflect the contents of the release version of the game.

Space Marine 2 Classes & Roles

There are six different classes in the coop and multiplayer of Space Marine 2. As mentioned above, information below may not reflect the final version of the game. As of now, what is confirmed is that we have six classes and each one has its own unique abilities, skill tree, and loadouts.


Space Marine 2 Tacticus Armor

A general-purpose ranged class armed with a bolt-rifle. This class is the typical Space Marine, making it an all-around unit and the basic battleline of any Space Marine force. In the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game, this may be the equivalent of an Intercessor.


Space Marine 2 Assault Class

Close-ranged specialist. This class may feature the jump pack for quick jumps into the enemy hordes. Armed with a Chainsword, or a Thunder Hammer, this class can make short work of most enemies in melee range. In the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game, this may be the equivalent of an Assault Intercessor.


Space Marine 2 Vanguard Class

A specialist class primed for quick actions, prioritizing speed and agility. This class wears a Mk X Phobos Armor, an armor specifically made for stealth and reconnaissance. The class is appears to be a Reiver in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game. The Reiver is a special type of soldier that makes good use of stealth, speed, and fear to neutralize enemies.


Bulwark Class

A defense-heavy, melee-specialist armed with a shield. This class wears a Mk X Tacticus Armor. This class appears to be a Bladeguard Veteran in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game. Bladeguard Veterans are melee units armed with shields, tasked to hunker down and secure positions while staving off myriads of foes with their close-range weapons.


Space Marine 2 Sniper

The Sniper is a long-range specialist armed with a Sniper Rifle. This class wears a Mk X Phobos Armor, an armor specifically made for stealth and reconnaissance. The class is appears to be an Eliminator in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game.


Gravis Armor

The Heavy class may pertain to the Space Marine wearing a Mk X Gravis Armor. These marines are fitted with the heaviest type of armor in the Space Marine arsenal. With their heavy armor comes heavy weaponry. As seen in the trailer, these guys wield heavy bolters, heavy flamers, and heavy melta guns to get rid of foes. They are the equivalent of Heavy Intercessors and Eradicators in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game.

Space Marine 2 Classes Have Skill Trees

It is confirmed that each Space Marine 2 class will have its own skill tree. It is still unknown as to how players will level up in the game and acquire more skills as they play.

Is Space Marine 2 coop? Read this article to know more. Can your PC run Space Marine 2? Check out the system requirements here. You can pre-purchase Space Marine 2 via the official Focus Entertainment shop page.




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Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.