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Space Marine 2 Plasma Pistol – Weapon Guide

In Space Marine 2, players can use the Plasma Pistol as a secondary weapon. It can be used in the main campaign, co-op missions, and PvP. Get to know the weapon’s stats, how to unlock the Plasma Pistol, how to use it, and more using this guide!

Check out the class guides in Space Marine 2! Looking for other weapons? Check out the weapon list.

Space Marine 2 Plasma Pistol – Stats & Details



Space Marine 2 Plasma Pistol

Rapid-fire, mid-range plasma pistol. Can be charged.

Rate of Fire3+
Venting Speed4
Magazine Capacity90

Classes That Can Equip The Plasma Pistol

How To Unlock

WeaponAvailable in Main CampaignAvailable in Operations (Co-op)Available in Eternal War (Multiplayer)
Plasma PistolReach Operation I: SkyfireAvailable by default

Unlocking the Plasma Pistol varies depending on your game mode. In the story campaign, you need to first reach Operation I: Skyfire to equip it. For Operations, it is available by default if you select the Bulwark class and Heavy class. In PvP multiplayer, reaching Veterancy Level 7 of the Bulwark class or Level 5 for the Heavy class unlocks the Plasma Pistol.

How To Use

Great Damage Per Shot

Plasma Pistol Charge

The Plasma Pistol is undeniably the best damage dealing secondary weapon in the game. Each shot can be fatal (depending on the difficulty, of course) and charging it further increases its already impressive damage. Utilize this weapon when you try to take down hardier foes in your missions!

Can Chew Through Ammo

On the other hand, the downside with the Plasma Pistol’s power is its limited ammo capacity. Every charged shot eats through 10 ammo. Although each normal shot consumes only one ammo, using it on minoris enemies may be too much in most cases so use it sparingly on them and instead reserve ammo for larger enemies.

Use To Cancel Summons

cancel summons with a plasma shot

One thing worth mentioning with the Plasma Pistol is that it can cancel summons. Tyranids that summon reinforcements may be troublesome if left alone so to best deal with these threats, you can simply land a well-placed charged plasma shot to cancel the summons.

Needs To Cooldown

Plasma Pistol Overheat

Using the Plasma Pistol continuously drives it to overheat. The time it remains unusable depends on the Plasma Pistol’s “Venting Speed” stat. Make sure to watch out for the red circle around your reticle as when it reaches maximum, you will not be able to use your Plasma Pistol for a few seconds. Note that charged shots add more heat to the Plasma Pistol.

Space Marine 2 Plasma Pistol – Upgrades

In co-op, you can upgrade the Plasma Pistol to improve its stats. Take note that upgrading weapons require you to spend Mastery Points and unlock tiers via Armoury Data.


  • Master-Crafted Alpha
  • Master-Crafted Beta


  • Salvation of Bakka
  • Drogos Reclamation – Alpha


  • Galathamor Crusade
  • Ophelian Liberation (more Rate of Fire)
  • Ophelian Liberation (more Capacity)

Space Marine 2 Plasma Pistol – Skins

To be updated.

Want to know the classes in Space Marine 2 multiplayer? Check out this Space Marine 2 class guide. You can purchase Space Marine 2 via the official Focus Entertainment shop page.

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