Good news for those who collect Starbucks-exclusive planners! They have extended the time to avail their Christmas Traditions Promo Card until February 9, 2018. Redemption, meanwhile, has been extended until April 10, 2018.
The promo started on November 2, 2017. To redeem your planner, you would need to accumulate eighteen stickers with one sticker given to you every order of a Starbucks handcrafted beverage.
Courtesy of Starbucks.
It’s worth noting that Starbucks has never extended special promos like these in the past (at least to our knowledge. Let us know if they’ve extended their Christmas Traditions Promo before). Could this mean that people are just enjoying their coffee and have lost a bit of interest in planners?
If you’ve been living in the 21st century like most people, you’ve probably put all the important dates in digital form: in Facebook, Google Calendar, or your smartphone’s built-in calendar. There is still something special, however, in writing all your plans in a physical planner.