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Moving away from social media and other trends in the internet, you’ll be open to different things and start to create something new. I suppose that just how things work; you add and subtract ideas going through your mind and just recall them when you feel like it.

I remembered the first time I tried to paint like a professional artist –– complete with various brushes and a large blank canvass to start with. When I got to look at the painting that we were supposed to imitate it took my breath away and I realized “how in the world can I copy such beautiful painting?”. But I went on and tried to paint for the first time. With each stroke of the paintbrush, mixing simple colors to create a different shades and gently painting the canvass, it was then that I realized that every work of art starts with a stroke and determination to paint.


Painting gave me a clear and calm mind that I reminisced of the days when my mom would always be out of the house that I eventually learned to be independent. Every morning, my mom would always be out doing charity work and that’s when I taught myself how to cook my own breakfast. Being the guy that I am, all I was able to cook was corned beef and sausages but it gave me such fulfillment that I can finally say I can live on my own. The Purefoods corned beef then became one of my favorite breakfast, the corned beef gave me the best, tender, moist, not too salty but still bursting with all the spices. This is the way corned beef should taste every single time.

Switching between my favorites:  Corned beef and Vienna Sausage, made me love waking up in the morning and making breakfast. Now, I have discovered other Purefoods’ Blue Line products that includes the Chorizo Bilbao and Liver Spread that gave me ideas of coming up with other combinations in preparing breakfast meals. The idea of fried rice and a couple of eggs already made me want to go home and try it out.


These memories gave me such inspiration that when the instructor told us that it’s time that we add our own touch to the painting, I decided to paint a little boy all alone in the middle of the forest appreciating the beauty of the starry night-sky. I also learned that when you’re all grown up, you’ll have a better understanding of art. There are so many things that I saw when I was younger and didn’t quite get them. Now I realized that I now know the emotions behind almost all of them. It was just so simple and it was there all along.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

I now know that an artist is not the one who can interpret reality. But it is the one who can create some kind of new perspective through experience; be it a life-changing one or just a memory of cooking breakfast. I do think that is the HEART in ART.

To know more about Purefoods, just head on to their facebook page: facebook.com/purefoodscornedbeef/

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