HomeGamingTop Ten Horror Games for the Weak-Hearted!

Top Ten Horror Games for the Weak-Hearted!


Halloween might’ve passed by like our local weekend (Hooray for the two-day retreat!) but we still found time to compile a list of our long-beloved games that scared the crap out of us. From our yesteryears up to the recent games, we gathered our personal choices so that you guys might look them up and add them to yours. Disclaimer: Hungrygeeks.ph is not liable for any soiled pants. Gamer discretion is advised!

  1. Silent Hill – When asked about the scariest game we’ve ever played, this one takes the top with a unanimous scream. Silent Hill is the hellspawn of the first Sony Playstation and the one that kicked-off the psychological horror franchise. We still remember the times when beheaded dogs, walking shadows of kids, and fog, evoke a feeling of dread. Static noise is a plus.

Play Meter: The best introduction to the genre. *wink* 10/10


  1. Resident Evil – before the behind-the-shoulder shooter ever came to be, there were several Resident Evil games that utilized fixed-cameras and readymade backdrops to communicate horror. Windows and doors were treated like portals to hell as anyone (or anything) can come and jump through them. The third’s titular boss, Nemesis, gets special mention because he can travel through doors and ram you with his rocket launcher.

Play Meter: Zombies in videogames are mostly influenced by the ones found in RE. Best revisit them in HD for a treat. 8/10


  1. Dino Crisis – No ghosts, vampires, or other supernatural stuff. Just Dinosaurs! During an age when dinosaurs were treated with awe and admiration, Dino Crisis came and punched us in the gut. Gone were the cute talking reptiles educating us, instead they were replaced by hungry lizards that can gnaw through your shoulders without a second thought. Good times indeed!

Play Meter: Cry in futility as your handgun can’t hit the beasts 7/10


  1. Alien Isolation – Hiding in a Locker Simulator 2015.

Play Meter: If it’s on sale, buy it! 9/10


  1. Amnesia: The Dark Descent – A game where you’re Mr. McScaredyPants without any weapons to protect you. Amnesia is more of a puzzle/horror/survival game. It doesn’t have that protective qualities as the other aforementioned games made physical by assault rifles in your hand. All you can do is rely on your sense of survival and you’ll make it into the crazier parts.

Play Meter: The horror, the horror! 8/10


  1. Fatal Frame – Scared of ghosts? Why not take a picture of them to prove that you’re not! Fatal Frame is a series of video games that confronts the player with their supernatural fears.

Play Meter: You’ll love the ghosts when they pose to say, “CHEESE!” 9/10


  1. Outlast – this game got included primarily because it is crazy but not that incredibly scary. Outlast takes on the tried and tested plot of a journalist on the prowl for groundbreaking stories. Instead, he breaks his bones, loses a finger, and his sanity.

Play Meter: Not that scary once you get the hang of it. You can run circles around your pursuers. 6/10


  1. Dead Space – Space + Mutilated Limbs = Dead Space. Tackling themes about cult religions and unknown entities, Dead Space has managed to act as a sanctuary for horror fans in the midst of a market filled with action shooters. Given that the protagonist is silent, you’ll be too keen to pick off every rattle, gun power tool at the ready for a fight.

Play Meter: Play it while the graphics are still gorgeous for your eyes. 9/10


  1. Doom 3 – After years of waiting, we were treated to teleporting demons, talking heads, and cryptic messages. They also whisper in your ear.

Play Meter: It won’t hurt to try. Or you can just wait for the newer one. 7/10


  1. Obscure 2 – The Sony Playstation 2 has been home to a lot of the best games of all time. Sadly, not everyone noticed this survival teenage horror. It’s kind of like a plants + zombies type of game. Everyone becomes an undead and it’s your kooky team of teenage stereotypes to end the threat.

Play Meter: Something to try when you’re bored. 5/10

Anything we’ve missed? Do share them with us in the comments section below!




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Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.