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Uber is finally back after paying PhP 190 million penalty

After half a month of absence, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has finally lifted their suspension against Uber after paying a penalty of PhP 190 million and an additional PhP 299 million as recompense with its partner drivers.

In a report, LTFRB was able to calculate its PhP 190 million penalty based on the 19 remaining days of the suspension multiplied by the transportation network company’s (TNC) average daily income of PhP 10 million.

Uber was originally suspended from operations after the company disobeyed an LTFRB order against registering new cars. A day after the suspension, however, Uber filed a motion of reconsideration against their suspension in order for their cars to make their rounds again. Despite the motion, LTFRB’s suspension still took into effect until today, August 29, 2017. Uber is now up and running again, ready to serve the commuting public.

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