HomeTechnologyWindows 10 search is actually good

Windows 10 search is actually good


The first thing everyone will notice when they install Windows 10 is that the classic Start Menu has returned. It’s a very well missed feature, but now it is really not needed. Due to the powerful, Mac-OSX-like system-wide search, you’re never going to need the Start Menu again.

Windows managed to improved their search feature every time they upgrade their Windows 10. Right now, it is legitimately functional and usable. It provided me the exact results on what I was looking, every time. Even you managed to mistype the words, you’ll eventually see it in the results.


The search is much more flexible: type pretty much anything involving the word ‘Wifi’ and you’ll get the Wireless connection settings. Like when I type ‘Uninstall’, I was predicting that it will give me all the uninstall from all of the application, but instead I was given the ‘Change or remove a program’ from the control panel. Very impressive.

The search is also not limited to your local files and settings, either. Search is now a great way to open a website – type in ‘Facebook’ and your favorite social media opens in Microsoft Edge (or your default browser). It sure beats than going in to your browser and typing in the url (including the dot com).


There’s also nifty tricks that is similar to Apple’s Siri. You can type ‘show me my spreadsheets’, ‘Show me photos from last month’ and my favorite ‘open the last document’.

This also syncs perfectly with your own personal assistant, Cortana. You can use the same commands you speak, just typed out. So, every features that Cortana can do – adjust system settings like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, or look up the weather – you can now get it from the search bar.


For a decade, the Start Menu was the main feature of Windows. Then came 8, and the OS became a mess. Windows 10 manages to change all of that: almost all of my interactions can now start by typing in the Search bar (I’m not a fan of speaking with Cortana). Trust me, it’s so much better. I really advice everyone to upgrade now (expect if you’re still in Windows 7).




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Ritz Aguspina
Zombie ninja. Total social media buff. Bacon lover. Friendly coffee aficionado. Avid gamer. Internet fanatic.