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World of Tanks Blitz Releases Dinosaur Camouflages For Tanks

A fantastic combination of technology and ancient animal power. Four legendary camouflages, each reincarnates a tank into a dinosaur from the Mesozoic era, are coming to World of Tanks Blitz (WoT Blitz). “Stegosaurus” for Bofors Tornvagn, “Guanlong” for T49, “Ankylosaurus” for M-VI-Yoh and “Spinosaurus” for STB-1 tank are ready for battle.

World of Tanks Blitz Dinosaur Camouflage Details

While in the Garage, right before battle and after destroying the enemy, the camouflage activates a hologram of a roaring dinosaur. Armor plates, spikes, and glowing valves — fear the natural habitat of these mechanical monsters.

From March 3 to 8, players who cause maximum damage in regular and rating battles will be rewarded with camouflages for free: Guanlong for tier VIII T49, Ankylosaurus for Tier X M-VI-Yoh, and Spinosaurus for tier X STB-1. Rewards will be given to the 45 most efficient hunters on each of the servers.

The collection will be available for purchase from March 3 through March 17.

Also until March 17, the in-game Store will offer сcontainers that may include Bofors Tornvagn and legendary Stegosaurus camouflage.

What Is World of Tanks Blitz (WoT Blitz)?

World of Tanks Blitz is a cross-platform, free-to-play, team-based MMO action game dedicated to fierce tank combat. Available on iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10, Steam, and Nintendo Switch, the game lets players control over 400 legendary armored vehicles.

World of Tanks Blitz is a fun, lighthearted approach to the genre that bends the rules of reality and puts an engaging twist on tank combat. Deep mechanics and realistic physical models across both authentic and alternative historical settings, combine to create fluid gameplay and tactical diversity.

Official website: wotblitz.com

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