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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Zip Lines & Wires – How To Use | XBC3

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (XBC3), you might have noticed a couple of zip lines or wires dangling across the field. You might have wondered how you can use them as you fall to the depths below on your first try. Get to know how to use the zip lines or wires in the game using this guide.

Read about the other skills via the Party Traversal Skills guide.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Zip Lines & Wires – How To Get

Reach Chapter 4

XBC3 Chapter 4

To use the zip lines around the game world, you must first reach Chapter 4 of the game’s story. You cannot go around this as you have to progress the story’s campaign to access the location that will teach you how to use the wires.

You can return to access zip lines in previous regions to get their treasures.

Head Towards High Maktha Wildwood

After your encounter with Colony Lambda, head towards the next story location, High Maktha Wildwood. There, you’ll encounter a band of Agnus soldiers. After a brief conversation with them, you will be tasked to locate them. Follow their tracks to reach the next colony, Colony Tau.

Meet Colony Tau’s Commander Juniper

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Zip Line or Rope Sliding

Once you reach Colony Tau, you’ll get to meet Juniper, the colony’s commander. Talk to her and get her Hero Quest. Completing her Hero Quest not only allows you to recruit her to your team but also access to the “Rope Sliding” traversal skill.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Zip Lines & Wires – How To Use

Use Zip Line Launchers

Zip Line Launcher

Similar to ladders that dot the map, you can also spot some harpoons that you can use to connect land masses that are far apart. This contraption is introduced right after your visit to Colony Tau. You also get to use a lot of it in the next areas.

To safely use the zip line, climb on top of the machine and center yourself to the wire. You can just move forward to ride the line. Try not to jump onto the wire as there is a small chance that you might miss the wire and fall to the depths.

You Can Only Slide Down

Following the rules of gravity, you can only slide down zip lines. Zip Lines are one-way trips and you’ll often encounter moments in the game where-in they lead to a different path than your objective. Be wary of this as you might have to backtrack a bit to get back to your original location.

You Can Jump Off While Sliding

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Zip Lines Jump

While sliding down zip lines, you can still jump off and land on certain areas. You can use this to reach certain locations in the map. Also be wary of the height from where you jump as the fall can still damage you.

Visit the official Xenoblade Chronicles 3 site to know more about this game.

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