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Digimon Survive BanchoStingmon Talk & Recruitment Guide

Digimon Survive BanchoStingmon Talk Guide

In Digimon Survive, players get to encounter BanchoStingmon, a Free Monster that can be recruited to your team using Talk. Get to know the proper answers, options, and more to recruit BanchoStingmon using this guide.

Digimon Survive BanchoStingmon Talk Responses

Below are the proper answers and choices when talking to BanchoStingmon. Note that you must be able to fill at least three bars in order to get a chance to recruit BanchoStingmon. Depending on your answers, up to two bars may be filled. Alternatively, the bars may also be reduced by one.

This guide is a work in progress and will be updated once new information is confirmed.

BanchoStingmon Talk Legend

  • ++ = 2 bars
  • + = 1 bar
  • = -1 bar
  • = -2 bars

BanchoStingmon Talk Guide

Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much.

  • ++ I respect your spirit!
  • Never happened to me.
  • Hearts will waver.
  • Maybe try listening?

What would you say is your favorite expression?

  • + Can’t say I have one.
  • Two birds, one stone.
  • Survival of fittest.
  • Steady progress.

Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don’t you think?

  • + Reminds you of you?
  • Its light is useful.
  • Makes me feel alive!

Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live!

  • + Like I’d believe that!
  • Humans ain’t inferior!
  • How about YOU give up?

Some things in this world cannot be overturned… Do you know what I speak?

  • ++ There’s no such thing.
  • + You mean power?
  • Talent, right?
  • Yeah, money!

It’s hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans…

  • + It’s common interests.
  • It’s a way to survive.
  • We need servants!
  • Friends help friends!

Supreme beings can’t be understood by others. But that doesn’t mean I’m lonely or anything!

  • ++ A lone wolf, huh?
  • [Look on with pity.]
  • I get it. Me too.
  • Ah… you feel alone?

Digimon Survive BanchoStingmon Spawn Details

Spawns In Part 12

BanchoStingmon starts to spawn during the events of Part 12 in the story. You can encounter it via Free Battles or Shadow encounters.

Recruit Using Talk Option

Digimon Survive Talk

To recruit Free Digimon, or Free Monsters, you must “Talk” to them during Battles. Once you initiate a conversation, 6 bars will appear on top of the target Digimon. You will be asked with three questions and depending on your answers, the bars will be filled. You need to fill the up to three bars in order to unlock the option to recruit that Digimon.

For more talk guides, check out this list of recruitable Digimon.

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