In Digimon Survive, players get to encounter Seasarmon, a Free Monster that can be recruited to your team using Talk. Get to know the proper answers, options, and more to recruit Seasarmon using this guide.
Below are the proper answers and choices when talking to Seasarmon. Note that you must be able to fill at least three bars in order to get a chance to recruit Seasarmon. Depending on your answers, up to two bars may be filled. Alternatively, the bars may also be reduced by one.
This guide is a work in progress and will be updated once new information is confirmed.
It’s better to take some sort of action than just sit idly by and worry.
What do you think is the most important thing for building trust?
The goal of this battle is to test each other’s strength.
By the way, why exactly are you here?
Are there bonds stronger than family?
Is there something you’d like to say to me? Go on, don’t be shy.
What kind of human are you?
Seasarmon starts to spawn during the events of Part 10 in the story. You can encounter it via Free Battles or Shadow encounters.
To recruit Free Digimon, or Free Monsters, you must “Talk” to them during Battles. Once you initiate a conversation, 6 bars will appear on top of the target Digimon. You will be asked with three questions and depending on your answers, the bars will be filled. You need to fill the up to three bars in order to unlock the option to recruit that Digimon.
For more talk guides, check out this list of recruitable Digimon.