HomeGamingGW Reveals New WH40K Khorne Berzerkers, New World Eaters Upgrade Sprue

GW Reveals New WH40K Khorne Berzerkers, New World Eaters Upgrade Sprue


Finally, after years (and decades) of waiting, Khorne’s blessed army is finally getting an update in the new WH40K Khorne Berzerkers. With this new take, maybe we can expect more from this updated army in the next couple of months? Read this article to know more.

The models in this article are coming with the recently unveiled World Eaters Combat Patrol. Read more about it here.

New Khorne Berserkers Finally Revealed In NOVA Open

After almost a month of waiting, we finally have the new Khorne Berzerkers revealed in its full glory. That’s not all as Games Workshop also revealed that the blessed warriors of Khorne, the World Eaters, are going to have their very own codex in the next couple of months.

world eaters codex

Planning for a new Khornate army? Best start saving now as the release is definitely going to be awesome! Here’s hoping that they also get a full-fledged Kill Team too!

Details wrote last 9th of August follows:

What’s New With the WH40K Khorne Berzerkers?

New Look, Modern Scale

New WH40K Chaos Khorne Berzerker

The new Warhammer 40,000 Berserkers is a much-needed upgrade as the current sprue is from 1998, old enough to drink and drive. Anyhow, this new Khorne Berzerkers pretty much modernizes the old look, making it look like its part of the battlefield and not a Chaos mascot. We’re still waiting for more updates about this new upgrade but we can expect more sculpts (hopefully dynamic ones!) and details in the coming days or months.

New World Eaters Upgrade Sprues

World Eaters Upgrade Sprue

Aside from the new model, Games Workshop also unveiled new Forge World WH30K upgrade sprues for the sons of Angron. One sprue contains various designs of helmets, totaling 11, for the World Eaters. The other sprue contains 10 Shoulder Pads or Pauldrons for the World Eaters. Players can use these to decorate their Warhammer 30K army or use it for their WH40K World Eaters.

World Eaters Upgrade Sprue Pricing

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Based on recent releases, we can assume that the coming upgrade sprues will be priced as follows:

  • World Eaters Helmets – £14.50 / US$23
  • World Eaters Shoulder Pads – £14.50 / US$23

No definite release date for these sprues as of yet.

More Incoming

Aside from the announced World Eaters Codex and the demon Primarch Angron, we can expect a couple more models in this updated Chaos faction. Hopefully, the faction gets some love in the form of new vehicles, monsters, and new unique HQs.

Personally, I’m excited with this one as we can somewhat expect the same treatment as the “recently updated” Death Guard. I also do hope that they release an army box for those looking forward to making a World Eaters or Khornite CSM army from scratch.

New WH40K Khorne Berzerkers Release Date

No release date was mentioned during the announcement of the new WH40K Khorne Berzerkers. This article will be updated once new information is confirmed.

Read the official announcements for the new Khorne Berzerkers here.

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Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.