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MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang – How To Beat | Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR Sunbreak), players get to fight the terrifying monster, Furious Rajang. Get to know how to beat this monster, loots, weaknesses, and more using this guide.

Know how to unlock Furious Rajang using this guide. Also, you can view Furious Rajang’s armor set here.

MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang – How To Beat

Key Points

  • Use Flash Bombs
  • Be very mobile
  • Utilize your Wirebugs
  • Use Wyvern Rides to reduce HP
  • Study its moves and look for openings

Rage Mode Is Always On

Furious Rajang Rage Mode on

The usual Rajang has two Rage Modes and it usually returns to its normal mode after a couple of minutes or if its tail receives enough damage. For Furious Rajang, there is no normal mode. It’s always enraged and there is no tail for you to hit to prevent it. Be wary of this as you’ll be fighting a Rajang that is already aggressive, faster, and with more moves.

Use Flash Bombs

Furious Rajang Flash Bombs

As traps often times do not work well with Furious Rajang, use your Flash Bombs sparingly and only if you need to. The best times are when it is in its final rage form. Due to its speed, you might find it hard to heal, reload, or sharpen so use your Flash Bombs to buy yourself some time.

Be Mobile Against Furious Rajang

Be mobile against furious Rajang

Speed is key here and remaining immobile for more than a few seconds can spell your end when fighting with this ferocious beast. Move around and use your Wirebug to get to advantageous positions. Although Furious Rajang has rear attacks, you can still flank it and attack it while it’s doing forward attacks.

Be Wary Of Multiple Strikes

Aside from being stronger, Furious Rajang also has a few new dangerous moves. Coupling these new moves, Furious Rajang often times adds another extra strike to its usual combo. Beware of this and use your Wirebug at the right time to avoid getting struck.

Look For Openings

Furious Rajang Openings

Although the attacks look like they are unavoidable, you can still look for openings. Flank Furious Rajang or wait for it to stop its attacks. It usually stops for a few seconds after each one so use these moments to strike and deal damage! Also,

MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang – Drops & Loots

Furious Rajang Drops

MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang – Weaknesses

Weak Against Ice & Water

MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang Weaknesses

Furious Rajang is very weak against Ice and also weak to a certain degree against Water elements. Be sure to bring these weapon elements during your fight with it.

Weak Against Blast & Iceblight

MHR Sunbreak Furious Rajang Ailments

For status ailments, best bring Blast and Iceblight weapons and continue pummeling Furious Rajang to build up the effects. Other ailments work but only to a limited degree.

Other Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Guides

Read our other guides for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak here:

Read more official news and updates from the official Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak website.

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