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MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area – How To Unlock | Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR Sunbreak), players can visit a secret area in the new region, Citadel. This secret area in Area 13 is blocked off by roots and rocks and the player must find another way to get to it. Get to know those paths, how to get to the secret area, and more using this guide.

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area Blocked Path

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area – How To Unlock

Area 13 Of The Citadel Map

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Map

You’ve likely encountered the closed-off cave in the Citadel map. Inside the cave, roots and rocks block the path and behind the blockage is a Bone Pile. This means that you can visit what’s behind, but how? You do not need anything to get through this and you only have to find the path to get around the blockage.

Two Ways To Get In

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area Entrances

There are two ways you could get into MHR Sunbreak Citadel’s Secret Area:

Through The Tunnel

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area Hollow Tunnel Entrance

Hug the southern wall of Area 13 until you reach an opening. Enter the cave and move forward until you reach the other side of the blocked passage.

Through The Hollow Tree Trunk

MHR Sunbreak Citadel Secret Area Hollow Trunk Entrance

Use your Wirebug to hang above the huge hollow tree trunk. Drop inside it and find yourself on the otherside of the passage. Don’t forget to pick up the Old Message once you land here.

Fishing Spot & Mining Spots

Fishing Spot

The secret area of the citadel is home to a fishing spot and a couple of mining outcrops. You can farm these locations for more materials and ingredients.

Great Wirebug To Base Camp

Great Wirebug

Once you’re done with the secret area, you can get back via the route you’ve taken to get in. Or, if you want to get back to the main base camp, you can use the Great Wirebug located near the fishing spot.

Other Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Guides

Read our other guides for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak here:

Read more official news and updates from the official Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak website.

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