In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR Sunbreak), players can hunt the Gold Rathian to craft its unique armor set, Golden Lune. Get to know the stats of this armor set, requirements, materials, skills, slots, and more using this guide.
Unlock Gold Rathian in MH Rise Sunbreak using this guide.
The Golden Lune set, or Gold Rathian armor set, can be had by hunting down Gold Rathian. You can unlock Gold Rathian, together with Silver Rathalos, only after you reach MR10. On the other hand, you can join friends that have already unlocked Gold Rathian to get its armor and weapons before you reach MR10.
MHR Sunbreak Gold Rathian Armor Set – Equipment Skills
Status Trigger Lv 3
Foray Lv 2
Chain Crit Lv 3
Defiance Lv 5
Counterstrike Lv 2
Divine Blessing Lv 3
Critical Boost Lv 1
Peak Performance Lv 3
Evade Window Lv 2
Recovery Up Lv 2
MHR Sunbreak Gold Rathian Armor Set – Materials
Head: Golden Lunehelm
Gold Rathian Cortex x 4
Gold Rathian Weave x 1
Gold Rathian Surspike x 1
Chameleos Fellwing x 2
Chest: Golden Lunemail
Gold Rathian Shard x 4
Gold Rathian Cortex x 2
Gold Rathian Surspike x 1
Espinas Toxic Blood x 3
Arms: Golden Lunebraces
Gold Rathian Cortex x 4
Gold Rathian Shard x 2
Gold Rathian Surspike x 1
Rath Gleam x 2
Waist: Golden Lunecoil
Gold Rathian Shard x 3
Gold Rathian Cortex x 2
Gold Rathian Weave x 2
Malzeno Hardfang x 2
Legs: Golden Lunegreaves
Gold Rathian Shard x 4
Gold Rathian Weave x 2
Rath Gleam x 1
Rathian Mantle x 1
Other Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Guides
Read our other guides for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak here:
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