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MHR Sunbreak Malzeno – How To Beat | Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR Sunbreak), players get to fight the new monster, Malzeno, as one of the story bosses. Get to know how to beat this monster, loots, weaknesses, and more using this guide.

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno – How To Beat

Key Points

  • Use other monsters to fight
  • Be wary of its combo attacks
  • Use Bloodblight to your advantage
  • Be smart and aggressive

Vampire Elder Dragon

Malzeno Vampire Elder Dragon

Malzeno is an Elder Dragon that is fast and agile, capable of delivering damaging attacks from all ranges. It has a large variety of attacks and can also instantaneously cross the battlefield with a single move. Definitely not something you should underestimate.

As Malzeno is an Elder Dragon, traps won’t work on it. However, Flash Bombs can be used against it and also other items that can inflict status ailments.

Use Other Monsters To Fight

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno Use Other Monster

As Malzeno is fast and has a lot of AOE attacks, make good use of other monsters to whittle down its HP. Take detours and Wyvern Ride other monsters to deal significant damage to Malzeno. Use the other two monsters in the region if you can. This method works well for both multiplayer and single player.

Take Advantage Of Malzeno’s Bloodblight

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno Bloodblight

So what is Malzeno’s Bloodblight? It is a status ailment that constantly drains the player’s HP but the player can also attack to heal damage. The player can take advantage of this and heal damage done by Malzeno by damaging Malzeno. When you have Bloodblight, carefully manage your HP and if you are confident that you can land hits, then go for it. In this fight, aggression is rewarded. But again, be very careful as Malzeno has attacks that can rip your HP bar in two.

One thing to note is that Bloodblight only works on the monster that inflicted it on you. You won’t heal HP when you hit other monsters while afflicted with Bloodblight.

Long-Range Attacks

Malzeno Ranged Attacks

Just standing at a distance is also not a recommended method when fighting Malzeno. As it has a lot of projectiles, it can crush any players that remain stationary and dive in for the final blow. Move constantly and watch out for the pathing of its ranged attacks. There are some that do not travel straight so utilize your Wirebugs to get away to safety. Also, be wary as Malzeno usually does not launch only a single projectile with each attack and it can cover multiple angles so be wary of where you land your dodges.

Watch Out For Malzeno’s Wing Attack

Malzeno Wing Attack

Malzeno’s has an attack in which it uses both of its wings for a 2-combo strike. This attack can instantly cart you if you are not careful. Watch out for this attack and when hit with the first one, do not immediately stand up as doing so leaves you vulnerable to the second strike. If you see Malzeno rearing to do this attack, dodge to the sides instead of backwards.

Hit The Arms & Head When Enraged

Malzeno Enraged

When enraged, Malzeno turns black and its head and arms glow with red smoke. Try to hit this parts and make them explode to stun Malzeno. Also, weigh your options here as Malzeno has a lot of damaging attacks while in this mode and is extremely dangerous. Use Flash or use other monsters to attack Malzeno while in this form if you are not confident in attacking it yourself.

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno – Drops & Loots

Malzeno Drop Rates

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno – Weaknesses

Weak Against Dragon & Fire

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno Weaknesses

Malzeno is weak against both Dragon and Fire elements. Be sure to bring these weapon elements during your fight with it. Also, it is somewhat weak against ice.

Weak Against Blast & Iceblight

MHR Sunbreak Malzeno Status Ailments

For status ailments, best bring Blast and Iceblight weapons and continue pummeling Malzeno to build up the effects. Other ailments work but only to a limited degree.

Other Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Guides

Read our other guides for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak here:

Read more official news and updates from the official Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak website.

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