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Modern Warfare 2 Achievements List

In Modern Warfare 2 2022, players can complete certain challenges in the game to get achievements and trophies. Get to know these challenges, their conditions and how to get them, and more using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 Achievements List

AchievementGame ModeRequirement
Wall of DutyCampaign / CoopKill three enemies with the Riot Shield in the Campaign or in Co-op.
NessieCampaignReach the barge without being seen in ‘Wetwork‘.
Time for PintsCampaignFinish the Campaign on any difficulty.
Nobody was thereCampaignNever trigger the alarm in ‘Recon by Fire‘.
CrocodileCampaignShoot three enemies while underwater in ‘Wetwork‘.
Must be the windCampaignRescue the hostages in ‘Countdown‘ without the enemies firing their weapons.
GunlessCampaignFinish ‘Alone‘ without firing a gun.
Test DriveCampaignDrive five vehicle types in ‘Violence and Timing‘.
Ghost-in-TrainingCampaignReach the penthouse in ‘El Sin Nombre‘ without killing anyone or triggering the alarm.
Don’t touch the deck!CampaignIn ‘Dark Water‘ advance 90 meters towards the front of the ship without touching the deck.
Keeping this oneCampaignReach Price using the first vehicle you hijack.
Gentleman ThiefCampaignOpen three safes in the Campaign.
DaredevilCampaign / Co-opWhile affected by one Flashbang, kill two enemies in the Campaign or in Co-op.
Practice makes perfectCampaignShoot all the targets in the training area in ‘Ghost Team‘.
A crappy way to dieCampaignKill the enemy in the porta-potty.
No time to loseCampaignCompletes the CCTV sequence in four minutes.
Backpack guyCampaignKill gassed or blinded enemies using a Molotov, Semtex and Frag in ‘Prison Break
Cutting heads off snakesCampaignFinish all Campaign missions on Veteran or Realism difficulty.
Night fightCo-opEarn three Stars in ‘Low Profile’.
HellrideCo-opEarn three Stars in ‘Denied Area’.
Kings of the MountainCo-opEarn three Stars in ‘Defender: Mt. Zaya’.
Going darkCo-opComplete ‘Low Profile’ without triggering any alarms.
Only the beginningCo-opEarn at least one Star in Co-op.
Full SSECo-opFind 20 intel fragments in Co-op.

Modern Warfare 2 Achievements Effects

No In-Game Effects

Getting achievements provide no in-game effects. They are also optional and you can play and enjoy the game without having to grind for them. For completionists, these achivements come as challenges to fully experience and beat the game.

Requires Both Co-op & Campaign

For those looking to unlock all achievements, you need to play both co-op and the story campaign. While it is possible to finish the co-op missions alone, it may be better if you have a friend to help you in getting the achievements.

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