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Modern Warfare 2 All Killstreaks List & Unlock Guide

In Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players get access to Killstreaks (Scorestreaks) whenever they get continuous kills. Killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2 vary in effect and requirement and its best to know each one to fully maximize them in battle. Get to know all the Killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2, conditions, effects, how to unlock them, and more using this guide.

Get to know how to get the nuke killstreak using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 All Killstreaks List

Killstreak Level Required Details Killstreak / Scorestreak
Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks UAVUAV 1 UAV recon ship that reveals enemy locations on the minimap. 4 Kills / 500
Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks Bomb DroneBomb Drone 18 A remote-controlled drone with an attached C4 charge. 4 Kills / 500
Counter UAVCounter UAV 6 A drone that scrambles all enemy minimaps. 5 Kills / 625
Cluster MineCluster Mine 9 Throw a device that launches a cluster of smaller mines within the immediate area. 5 Kills / 625
Care PackageCare Package 13 Call in a random killstreak care package to your location. 5 Kills / 625
Precision AirstrikePrecision Airstrike 22 Call in twin jets for a precision strike along the best available path. 6 Kills / 750
Cruise MissileCruise Missile 1 Control a long range cruise missile with boost capabilities. 6 Kills / 750
Mortar StrikeMortar Strike 1 Signal several waves of mortars to attack a location. 6 Kills / 750
Sentry GunSentry Gun 26 Automated turret that scans for nearby enemies, and fires incendiary based rounds. 7 Kills / 875
SAESAE 1 Call in a trio of jets to release aerial explosives onto specified targets. 7 Kills / 875
VTOL JetVTOL Jet 35 Releases a pair of precision bombs before circling back and guarding a location of the player’s choice. 8 Kills /1000
Overwatch HeloOverwatch Helo 40 An escort helo that will watch over your position, and ping nearby enemy locations before engaging them. 8 Kills / 1000
Wheelson-HSWheelson-HS 32 Remote controlled amphibious vehicle with auto sentry capabilities. 8 Kills / 1000
Stealth BomberStealth Bomber 53 Call in a bomber that releases a large line of explosives along its path. 10 Kills / 1250
Chopper GunnerChopper Gunner 27 Control an assault chopper armed with a turret and air-to-land missiles. 10 Kills / 1250
Emergency AirdropEmergency Airdrop 42 Call in 3 random killstreak care packages to your location. 10 Kills / 1250
Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks GunshipGunship 48 A heavy assault gunship equipped with a laser tracking missile, along with the standard 40mm and 25mm cannons. 12 Kills / 1500
Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks Advanced UAVAdvanced UAV 51 An untargetable orbital UAV that reveals the enemy’s direction on the minimap in realtime. 12 Kills / 1500
Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks JuggernautJuggernaut 55 Juggernaut assault gear delivered by care package. The minigun will drop when the Juggernaut dies. 15 Kills / 1875

What Are Killstreaks In Modern Warfare 2?

Powerful Supports

Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks Cruise Missile

Killstreaks are supports that you can equip as part of your loadout. Most Killstreaks inflict high damage in the battlefield, significantly affecting the outcome of any battle. With that said, they do come at a very steep cost – you need to survive while killing a lot of enemies. It is definitely easier said than done but once you do accomplish it, you get a grand reward worthy of replays.

Get A Nuke To End The Match

Modern Warfare 2 MGB Nuke

In normal matches, getting 30 kills grants you a nuke that you can call on to immediately end the match in your favor. For bigger battles in Ground War, your team must hold all posts for 45 seconds to automatically call in a nuke.

Get to know more about nukes using this guide.

Killstreaks Can Be Countered

As powerful as they are, Killstreaks can still be countered. For example, you can use the Ghost perk to counter UAVs, completely making you invisible to the enemy minimap. You can also use Launchers to quickly bring down UAVs, and even damaging ones like Helos and VTOLs. Cruise Missile and Mortars can be evaded by simply going inside a structure. Be mindful of the counters and change your loadout whenever you encounter persistent Killstreaks as they can be pretty damaging when left unchecked.

Weapon Lists
Assault Rifles Battle Rifles SMGs
Shotguns LMGs Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles Handguns Launchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
Tacticals Lethals Field Upgrades

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